The Common Steps Involved in Vertigo Diagnosis

Vertigo is a symptom of balance disorders that can affect any age group. The problem can be chronic and result in various difficulties and complexities to the patient.

But the good thing is that it is possible to cure vertigo. You can consult an expert and avail a proper treatment process to get rid of this ailment. However, before the expert professional will offer you a treatment, he will first conduct an in-depth diagnosis of the same. So, if you want to know everything about the diagnosis process of vertigo, then here have a look.

Vertigo Diagnosis Process

The diagnosis process of vertigo is conducted in the same way as would be done for any balance disorder. The process depends on a combination of careful inspection of problem’s history and a series of tests.

It is essential to conduct a complete physical examination to identify the causes of dizziness that can be as simple as neck pain to as severe as a central nervous system issue or a cardiovascular problem. If any problem is identified then the person is suggested to visit an ENT, neurologist, otolaryngologist, and otologist. There are numerous tests performed to identify proper eye movement, measure hearing, and balance.


  • Hearing Diagnosis


There is a close connection between the vestibular system and hearing apparatus. Hence, it is essential to identify changes related to the functioning of the vestibular system.

The experts would perform

  1. Audiometry tests to estimate the ability of a person to hear sounds and identify words at distinct volumes and frequencies,
  2. Acoustic-reflex test to identify muscle reflexes in ear against loud sounds, and
  3. Tympanometry to estimate eardrum function
  4. Otoacoustic Emissions to measure hair cells responsiveness in cochlear
  5. Electrocochleography to measure sound signals movement
  6. Auditory Brainstem Response test to estimate the nerve signals movement from ear to brain


  • Eye Movements


This test is performed to identify the ability of eyes against static and dynamic objects. ENG and VNG are major tests that are performed to compare the functioning of eyes.


  • Balance


Since, vestibular organs offer sensory information about acceleration, movement, and equilibrium, so a disorder can interrupt in conducting such functionalities. CDP and VEMP tests are performed to identify functioning of vestibular nerve to the brain.

Now, you know everything about the vertigo diagnosis process, so get it done before your illness become chronic and severe.

There are different types of diagnostic tests performed for vertigo. To know more about the different types of diagnostic tests in a quick glance, just read our infographic below. 

Dr Anita Bhandari works as a Senior Consultant with Jain ENT Hospital in Jaipur, India. She is an MS in ENT and has done Fellowship in Otology and Neurotology from Singapore. Anita has acted as a Principal Investigator on a UNICEF collaborated project for three years that worked with 3000 underprivileged children. She has developed three patent-pending breakthrough technologies in the related field and is passionately driving NeuroEquilibrium’s Advanced Vertigo and Balance Disorder Clinics across India and Asia and Africa.  Anita is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences on vertigo and balance disorder management. 

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