Glass Of Wine A Day Cleanses The Brain And Cures Dementia

According to a Mendelian randomization study, light-to-moderate intake of alcohol helps reduce the risk of dementia as well as clean the brain off toxins including the ones associated with Alzheimer’s disease. This may be good news for the lovers of the ”demon drink” but you have to be aware of the adverse effects of excessive consumption of ethanol on the central nervous system too.

The basic rule in the study is simple, “low dosage of alcohol is potentially beneficial in boosting brain health especially in reducing inflammation and getting rid of waste.”  The brain usually gets rid of waste through a unique cleaning process known as a glymphatic system which is more active while sleeping according to the research. This is actually one of the reasons why sufficient sleep is very important for better brain health.

According to the research, the system may be affected by such conditions as stroke and trauma but, regular exercising is recommended to help improve it. A glass of wine on a daily basis has also been proved to help with reducing the risks associated with dementia in human beings.

The University of Rochester Medical Center published everything about this study explaining the impact a small amount of alcohol had on mice. In this case study, excessive consumption of alcohol over a long period of time resulted in inflammation of the cells regulating the glymphatic system thus affecting cognitive and motor abilities; the findings show.

Contrary to that, the mice that were exposed to low levels of alcohol recorded less brain inflammation and the glymphatic system worked more efficiently to reduce the brain injuries and memory loss. It is recommended to take roughly 2.5 drinks of wine per day to avoid the severe side effects of alcohol so as to easily boost your cognitive abilities.

According to a report by WHO, excessive consumption of alcohol is responsible for over 200 health conditions that result in more than 3 million deaths a year across the world. In case you have never consumed any alcohol before, this study should not lead you to start. However, if you regularly take some wine, then you can be sure some health conditions are put at bay, but only when consumed in little to moderate capacities.

A lot of research has been taking place over time with various reports suggesting that moderate drinking could help reduce risks of diabetes and improving cognitive function in human beings among other benefits like clearing the brain of unwanted toxins.

The glymphatic function

After assessing the effects of alcohol exposure on the glymphatic system of mice, it was noted that chronic alcohol exposure for a longer period of time resulted in increased inflammatory markers especially in astrocytes which are the cells that help in regulating the lymphatic system. This resulted in impairment of cognitive and motor functions. On the other hand, the mice that received a low alcohol dosage of about 2.5 alcohol beverages per day, a reduction in brain inflammation was witnessed as well as the glymphatic function improved as compared to the mice that were not exposed to alcohol at all. This was attributed to the fact that the system became more efficient in moving the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) through the brain to get rid of unwanted waste.

The examples of wastes that need to be eliminated include beta-amyloid and tau proteins which are known to cause Alzheimer’s disease among other brain conditions like dementia.

There have been many research studies on the effects of alcohol consumption but most of them have always documented alcohol consumption as a health hazard. The truth, however, is that many of the latest research studies have endeavored to try and uncover the health benefits of lower levels of alcohol consumption mainly in relation to reduced cardiovascular problems and different forms of cancers as well as improved brain health.

This research, therefore, matches the data on the effects of alcohol consumption on the general health of a human being as well as mortality which also indicates that low alcohol dosage may be beneficial while high volumes of consumption negatively affect the general health.

While dementia may seem to be a serious brain condition, taking low-to-moderate alcohol may help reduce the risks associated with the condition. Generally, this study explains why low doses of alcohol help to improve overall brain health among other health conditions.


Dementia is a condition that results in brain decline, poor cognitive ability, and motor skills. While it has always proven to be expensive and difficult to clean the brain and reduce risks of dementia. Many people didn’t know is the fact that the solution is readily available by taking at least 2 glasses of wine every morning will act as best brain food. The research has looked into the functioning of the lymphatic system which clears the brain off unwanted wastes and toxins, you clearly get to understand how the CSF plays the role of flushing out the wastes such as tau and beta-amyloid proteins.

Indeed a number of research studies have concluded that low-to-moderate alcohol is directly linked to reduced risks of dementia and this study helps elaborate even further how that is possible. More research is being carried out across the world to determine more health benefits of moderate consumption of alcohol such as lowering the risks of heart disease. Before then, what has been confirmed is that a little wine is not only good for your stomach but also good for your brain. However, this should not be the reason why you should start drinking if you have not been drinking before.

On the other hand, you can also consume top rated Nootropics supplements which will always cheer up to a better brain function and general health and well being.

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