Home Remedies for Poison Ivy

Are you looking for home remedies for poison ivy? Poison ivy, a poisonous shrub growing in most provinces of Canada and in all over US states except Hawaii, California and Alaska, produces an alkaloid called urushiol which is a skin irritant and is harmful especially to individuals who come into direct contact with it. Some of the symptoms of poison ivy include redness, persistent itching, skin rash and blisters. This alkaloid is present in the leaf, stem, root, flowers and fruits. It takes about 12 to 72 hours for symptoms to appear though it could even take a week or so. This makes it tricky to detect particularly in children. According to scientists, global warming has contributed to lots of poison ivy around implying most people could spend their time itching. However, there are several home remedies for poison ivy which can greatly help in reducing the symptoms. First is using baking soda which has also developed into a common homemade cure. This remedy involves mixing three teaspoons of baking soda with a single teaspoon of water to form a thick paste which you can apply on the rash and allowing it to dry. Another great poison ivy reliever is […]
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