Can Baking Soda Help In Weight Loss [The Complete Guide]

Obesity is a rapidly growing epidemic in countries like the United States. It is also widespread in many Dominican Islands and few other coastal nations in the African continent. A poor diet is recognized as the main reason behind such a circumstance. People favor eating tasty junk food over healthy home-cooked meals. This post is for you if you are desperately looking for a quick-fix solution to your weight problems. Consequently, you might have come across the theory that consumption of baking soda aids weight loss. Baking soda for weight loss is a much-researched topic by scientists of numerous universities. In this post, I will discuss its efficacy in the treatment of such health-related problems. What is baking soda? Sodium Bicarbonate, also known as Baking soda is a natural salt consisting of sodium and bicarbonate. Its appearance is similar to common salt but is a bit alkaline in taste. It is used in cooking as a leavening agent. Bakery products like bread, cookies, and pancakes get their fluffy texture due to the addition of baking soda to it. One distinguishing property about baking soda is that it only reacts with foods that contain acidic compounds such as yogurt, buttermilk, […]
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