3 Important Reasons to Filter Your Water

Cities spend much money and effort cleaning the water that enters your tap. Water treatment agencies add chlorine to kill harmful pathogens and fluoride to help clean your teeth on top of all the filters and cleaning systems the water goes through. However, even all this effort can leave harmful chemicals in the water. Find out the three important reasons you should filter your water. Clear Water Isn’t Always Clean Image via Flickr by ponafotkas When you look at a glass of water from the tap, you may think it looks clean. However, the water in your pipes has been on a long journey before and after it travels through your city’s water purifying system. This system doesn’t always pick up all the contaminants that dissolve in water, contaminants that can cause cancer or other diseases in humans. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates how much of these contaminants can exist in the water supply, but you still could be left drinking some contaminants. Additionally, not every exotic chemical is on the EPA’s list. Tap Water Can Be Hazardous to Fish Image via Flickr by osseous A small amount of chlorine and ammonium can kill pathogens but leave humans […]
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