Global State Of COVID-19 In 2024 and What Northshore Clinical Labs Is Doing to Provide Support

Since the annunciation of the first coronavirus infection in December 2019, statistics indicate that confirmed cases have reached 476,374,234 globally. Also, over 6,108,976 people have lost their lives through Coronavirus as of March 25, 2024. Over 200 countries and territories worldwide have since been affected, and almost everyone felt the impacts of the virus. Thankfully, world governments and healthcare professionals have done everything to ensure the virus remains under control. Private organizations and clinics like Northshore Clinical labs are not lagging in the fight. Here’s what’s going on in the scope of COVID-19 infections and what Northshore Clinical labs is doing to support the population amidst the pandemics evolution. What is the State of the Coronavirus as of March 2024? COVID-19 has been a great scare with the death toll at 6.1 million worldwide as of March 2024. The statistics aren’t just scary, but a prominent call to everyone that the world still requires more vigilance as the virus has proven its mutation ability and has kept outgrowing measures by arriving in more variants. The latest variant, Omicron, hasn’t spared lives either. It’s effortless to note from statistics that the reports of new infections and death cases have sharply escalated since the World […]
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