NPI Registry Updates: Staying Informed And Compliant With Regulatory Changes in 2024

The medical billing and claims process is often considered complete when it has the NPI number attached to it. If you have medical insurance and are planning to submit it to Medicaid and Medicare, you need to enter an accurate NPI amongst other health plans. Otherwise, no payments will be made to you. Now, if you are coming across this term for the first time, it is natural to feel confused. The NPI number, which is expended as the National Provider Identifier, is a unique identification number provided to healthcare organizations and providers in the United States. The NPI concept was introduced in 1996 and has played a major role in improving the entry and maintenance of people’s electronic health records. It forms a part of the HIPPA, which expands as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. HIPPA has guidelines that all individuals, businesses, and healthcare agencies transmitting their patients’ information in an electrical format related to any transaction should have an NPI number. Hence, NPI Registry becomes important. Use Of The NPI Number The NPI is a unique 10-position numeric identifier, and it is used in all healthcare plans for financial and administrative transactions. The health plans assign unique ID […]

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The Role of Encryption in HIPAA-Compliant eFax and How It Helps Protect Patient Data

eFax has grown in popularity in recent years. However, users should be aware of the privacy and security concerns when using eFax. On the other hand, eFax is a secure, digital solution that allows healthcare practitioners to quickly and easily send and receive information. It is commonly used at clinics, hospitals, and other medical institutions, but individuals in different sectors may also utilize it. Furthermore, eFax is a HIPAA-compliant fax service, as long as consumers have a signed Business Associate Agreement (BAA) with eFax before using their service. eFax controls around 39% of the online fax industry, with the healthcare sector accounting for 60% of its corporate income. However, in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), eFax that is HIPAA compliant is crucial in preserving the security and confidentiality of electronically protected health information (ePHI). That being said, let’s get into our main topic since we’ll go over all you need to know about HIPAA-compliant efax, its role in the healthcare industry, how it helps secure patient data, its importance, and much more. So, without further ado, let us begin! What is Encryption Encryption protects electronic data’s confidentiality, integrity, and security by making it unreadable to anybody who does […]

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