Here’s how RNA Analysis can Help Predict Cancer at a very Nascent Stage

Predicting cancer at a very nascent stage could play a very crucial role in treatment and prevention. Cancer has been identified as a life-threatening disease which accounts for 13% of all deaths in the world. It has further been predicted that in the next two decades, cancer levels will rise. As a result, it has become imminent to come up with effective ways to detect and treat cancer at a very nascent stage. Traditional methods of cancer detection, which include imaging procedures, biopsies, and lab tests have not proved effective in the early detection of cancer. In addition, they have proven to be expensive and time-consuming. However, all hope is not lost as new methods of cancer detection are proving to be more effective in early detection. RNA analysis is one of the latest technologies that are not only effective in early detection but also useful in the development of treatments and prevention. RNA plays the biological functions of genetic transmission and regulatory factor. Compared to other biomarkers, RNA is more effective because it can detect disease at low abundance. Also, as compared to DNA, it lowers the cost of detection because it does not rely on proteins which require […]
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