Effects Of Makeup To The Skin And Alternatives To It

Makeup is any substance people apply to their skin or nails for either decoration or disguise. The use of makeup as disguise is sometimes extreme; everyone has seen movies in which actors are made up to look like zombies, aliens, or other inhuman monsters. However, in daily life, makeup is most often used to create the illusion of an excellent complexion.

In short, most people use makeup to cover up perceived or real flaws in their skin. Got freckles? Unwanted shine? Pale eyelashes? Spotty nails? Large pores? Redness? Dark circles under your eyes? Puffiness? Spider veins? Scars? Bruises? Blackheads? Fungal infections? Makeup can smooth it all over and make your skin look (if not actually be) unblemished and healthy.
Wearing makeup is a very personal act that helps some people feel more attractive and confident. “Putting your face on” is a cherished daily ritual for some people. But it is also a highly social act.

Cosmetics contain a variety of ingredients, some good, some not so good, and some even potentially dangerous. Because so many people use makeup daily, an alarming amount can actually be absorbed into the skin, or breathed in to the lungs. Certain chemicals have been linked to health problems as severe as cancer, while others may cause a simple allergic reaction. With newer technology and spreading awareness of the dangers certain cosmetics carry, comes the advent of “natural” makeups, which are less likely to use harmful chemicals.

Try as we might, our girls nowadays simply cannot avoid using makeup.  A dash of face powder, a streak of lip-gloss and the perfect sweep of eyeliner are part of their daily morning wakeup routines, without which, they look and feel incomplete.

This dependency on makeup is perhaps the root of all problems: the idea is one cannot look good if they missed out on a certain cosmetic or ran out of it. People like 25-year-old aspiring fashion designer Ambreen Irfan actually skip going out if they don’t have their makeup with them. “I firmly believe that one should look impeccable from top to bottom when they step out of the house,” says Ambreen. “If I don’t have the right cosmetics to match my outfit or have run out of a key product like foundation, I prefer to remain at home.” Imagine that.

Unfortunately, the harmful effects of makeup aren’t just limited to skin-related issues only, there is a variety of health problems that can occur as a result of excessive usage. Lipsticks and eye-shadows, for example, are known to contain lead, a carcinogen and neurotoxin that can affect the nervous system adversely, leading to high blood-pressure, allergies, behavioural abnormalities and even decreased rates of fertility! Mercury and parabens — a chemical preservative used in many cosmetics — are some other hazardous substances common to beauty products. Although the purpose of parabens is to inhibit bacteria, the chemical itself is known to trigger the growth of cancer cells in the body.

So, What Are The Effects Of Makeup On The Skin ;


Oily Appearance

A thick oily sheen on your face isn’t the same as having a youthful glow. Oil-based foundations and creamy powders give a slick appearance and cause eyeliner to smudge or your eye shadow to clump up in the crease above your lid. For a smoother, fresher appearance, avoid oil-based makeup, especially if you already have oily skin. Stick to water-based foundations and loose powders, instead. If your skin is naturally dry, using oily makeup isn’t the answer. Proper cleansing and moisturizing are.
Image result for oily appearance on the face



In some cases a foundation or powder may dry out your skin and make it look flaky, dull and ashen. These cosmetics may also cause cracks and fine wrinkles in your skin, explains the American Academy of Dermatology, which could cause an infection to develop. Dryness also makes your skin itch. To combat it, apply a moisturizer about five minutes before the foundation or powder. A hydrating foundation or powder will also help.

Clogged Pores and Acne

Many people who wear makeup never get a single pimple. So while it’s incorrect to say that makeup can cause acne, it can make it flare up if you already have blemishes. A pimple is a hair follicle plugged with oil and dead skin cells combined with adverse bacterial activity. When you wear foundations and powders that clog your pores and hair follicles even more, you can aggravate acne. The AAD recommends avoiding oil makeup and using non-acnegenic or noncomedogenic makeup, which won’t block your pores.
Image result for clogged pores and acne on the face




Some makeup ingredients such as fragrances and preservatives trigger allergic reactions, including contact dermatitis. Preservatives in makeup include parabens, which have been detected in cancer cells. Also look out for formaldehyde — mostly known for preserving corpses, it can irritate your eyes and skin.

Alternatives To Makeup

I absolutely love the oil cleansing method, which leaves skin very soft and smooth by using natural oils to balance the skin. You can use the oil cleansing method at night and wash your face with raw honey if needed in the morning. You can also use a natural sugar scrub (equal parts sugar and natural oil) or natural microdermabrasion (baking soda) to make skin look younger.
With proper skin care, the skin will be naturally healthy and you won’t even need to wear makeup most of the time.

I’m firmly convinced that what you put into your body is just as important, if not more so, than what you put on it when it comes to skin health. I advise people who experience terrible acne to change their diet (removing dairy) and supplements. The supplements that seemed to make the biggest difference in skin health for me are:

  • Fermented Cod Liver Oil– for the Vitamins A, D and K, Omega-3s and Antioxidants, all which are great for the skin.
  • Gelatin – Which is a pre-cursor for collagen and has made my hair, skin and nails noticeably stronger and smoother (great for cellulite too).
  • Magnesium– An anti-inflammatory and lacking in many people’s diets. Topical Magnesium Oil seems to be the most effective for skin health.

Also, taking fruits daily help to improve skin health.
Remember, health is wealth. Keep healthy always.

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