How to Cure an Infection after Adult Circumcision Surgery

Adult male circumcision is procedure experts carry out on the foreskin or prepuce, which covers the head of the penis or glans. Men often opt for this surgical procedure for different reasons including health, social, cultural, or religious reasons. The debate often hurls around this topic, but most men need to go through this surgery in order to avoid health related problems. An adult circumcision surgery often takes place so that smegma and other wastes do not accumulate on the glans. In infants, this is an elective surgical procedure. However, in adult men, doctors may encourage it for the treatment of medical conditions that affect the genitalia including paraphimosis, phimosis, and infections of the glans and foreskin that are recurrent in nature.
Circumcision, as mentioned above, is a procedure that removes the foreskin from the penis. The “foreskin” is the fold of skin that covers the tip of the penis. After the surgery, the pain often goes away within three days. However, it may remain swollen for two weeks.
The prepuce or foreskin has a thin inner layer that lines the preputial sac, which serves as a sac for collecting shed/used cells, secretions, and urine residue. This in most cases triggers an infection, thus becoming one of the indications of its excision. Several studies also reveal that through circumcision, there has been a 60% decrease in the transmission of HIV in males compared to uncircumcised men.
Post-Circumcision Infection
After you go through Circumcision Center procedure to have the foreskin nipped off, the chance of developing an infection is rare. However, if you do not take proper care, you are likely to encounter them in the future.
Infections may develop due to a number of reasons, including improper or inadequate cleansing of the sutured area, leading to the growth of bacteria. Since the penis remains covered, the buildup of moisture in this area is inevitable. Moisture areas also serve as great breeding grounds for bacteria. For infants who wear diapers soaked at all times, it also becomes a great problem to keep this area dry for a few days. Sometimes, if infections are about to grow, you will notice some changes.
- There may be a purpuric discoloration, a firm and red penile shaft, abnormal swelling around the sutures.
- The scrotum may appear bluish in color, often leading to a condition “cyanosis.” When this occurs, it means there is poor circulation of blood in that area or inadequate oxygenation of the blood.
- Pain or a burning sensation when you try to urinate and at such times, prompt attention is necessary.
- Puss formation may appear on the sutured area, with swelling and fever lethargy as side effects.
Prevention and Management of Infections after Circumcision
After the surgery, the first few days you need to keep the area dry. Make sure that you visit your doctor for regular changes of the dressing or the sterilized gauze. Apply some petroleum jelly to prevent friction from the dressing. Also, make sure that you monitor the sutured area for at least 48 hours to note any signs of infection such as red discoloration, pus, and severe swelling. Once you monitor it for two days, the area needs to stay clean and washed for about 5 to 7 days with some warm water and soap.
In other practices and cultures, it is a belief that guava leaves can also help to prevent the infection. Some studies also reveal that guava leaves have antibacterial properties, thus intervening with the occurrence or formation of infections.
You should know that follow up care is the key to prevent infections. Be sure to make all appointments and visit your doctor regularly for care and treatment. It is also advisable that you keep a list of the medications you take with you when consulting your doctor.
How Can You Care For Your Penis At Home After Circumcision?
After the circumcision surgery, it is important that you rest when you feel tired and get enough sleep, which will help you to recover. Try to walk each day, but start by walking a little more than you do the previous day. On a slow pace, you should try to increase the amount you walk.
Also, take a shower when you do not have any bandage on your penis. Pat the cut or incision dry. You can also take short baths if you feel the need. Avoid any form of strenuous activities such as jogging, bicycle riding, weight lifting, jogging, or aerobic exercises for about four weeks or until your doctor advise otherwise.
Remove the dressing when your doctor advice and you should wear comfortable underwear. Some men also prefer to wear snug fitting pants for support, while others prefer loose-fitting ones. At this stage, it is important that you wear loose fitting ones to keep the area breathable.
You can return to normal activities such as driving only when you feel comfortable doing them.
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