Is dental implants Poland worth the cost?

What are dental implants?

It might be hard to imagine, but dental implants have been in use for a really long time. It is proved that even Egyptian mummies had implants made of pure gold. Nowadays, more and more people suffer from teeth loss, as a result of which many patients looking for dental implants are fewer than 50. Implants are screws made of titanium which replace a tooth root. They are put into the jawbone surgically in place of a missing tooth. Titanium is currently the highest-quality material that can be used for implants. Implants serve as anchors for crowns, bridges or dentures. The implant is not visible as it is in the jawbone, what is visible, however, is a crown placed on implants. After implants are installed, they integrate and bond with the bone. Dental implants also help prevent bone loss resulting in missing teeth and preserve a facial structure.

When are dental implants abroad used?

Dental implants are a great alternative to other, older teeth replacement solutions. If patients are tired of slipping, removable dentures which cause embarrassment and inability to eat a favourite food, the implant will be the best solution. They are the permanent, non-removable and naturally-looking system. Dental implants are also a great choice when patients miss only a single tooth. After the dentist analyses your problem, expectations, and needs, he will carefully prepare an individual treatment plan for you. You may have numerous dental treatments with the use of implants, which include:

  • Single tooth replacement – you will have one implant and one crown on implant installed;
  • Several teeth replacement – you will have two implants and bridge on them made of as many units as you need;
  • All teeth replacement – you will have an all-on-4 or all-on-6 solution;

Sometimes it is essential to have a bone graft or sinus augmentation before implants placement – you can have this preparatory treatment done in our clinics.

How much is dental implant abroad?

Thanks to dental implants your smile will be natural and attractive; you will get rid of any problems with chewing and will feel much more confident. Plenty of our patients says that their sense of self-worth and confidence immediately improve significantly, which is one of the main advantages of dental implants. Thanks to Dental Travel Poland you can afford your cheap dental implants abroad. Below you can find the comparison of implants prices in European countries:

  • UK 3000 GBP
  • Ireland 3000 GBP
  • France 2000 GBP
  • Germany 1500 GBP
  • Belgium 1000 GBP
  • Hungary 900 GBP
  • Poland 830 GBP

These prices include an implant, abutment and a crown on the implant. As can be seen, Poland offers the cheapest prices for implantation treatment!

If you look for the cheapest dental implants abroad, contact Dental Travel Poland. We not only offer one of the most affordable prices for implants but also guarantee a highly professional service, broadly experienced implantologists, and all-inclusive packages. No wonder Poland is becoming the main destination for people searching for a cheap dental treatment. Your assistant from Dental Travel Poland will take care of you from the very beginning when you send the inquiry till the treatment is completed. We are happy to organize your stay and help you find the most affordable flight tickets. Just contact us and we will do our best to make your treatment and stay perfect!

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