Why it’s Impossible to Get Rid of Eye Bags (Without Surgery)

Eye bag surgery
Eye bag surgery

Eye bag surgery is the most common form of surgery currently being performed due to its low invasiveness.

Cosmetic Surgery – Now at its Highest Peak

Every year, the British Association of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) releases the latest statistics regarding the impact of Cosmetic Surgery across the UK.

In 2015, a record number of over 51,000 people in the UK underwent cosmetic surgery; highlighting society’s ever-increasing desire to enhance their appearance. Consequently, BAAPS in their 2016 survey discovered that the total number of cosmetic procedures grew a startling 13% during 2014 – again, emphasizing the influx of people desiring aesthetic improvements. While cosmetic products remain extremely popular, it’s interesting to note how many people are now opting for the surgical route.

Like many other women, I am not invulnerable to the aesthetic imperfections that come with ageing. As women, we are desperately seeking cosmetic products that will help us cling to our remaining youthful skin. Unfortunately, such products can only help for so long. Consequently, many people are looking for a more permanent fix, specifically in the shape of surgery.

Advice from a World-renowned Plastic Surgeon

Fortunately, I am in a position with access to one of the world’s leading plastic surgeons, Dr Baljit Dheansa, who’s currently based at The McIndoe Centre (West Sussex). According to Dr Baljit, the most popular surgery, or common people are choosing to have is eye bag surgery, better known as blepharoplasty.

Having spent 22 years performing surgery, Dr Baljit’s extensive knowledge stems from his work in numerous prestigious plastic surgery units, including Queen Mary’s, Great Ormond Street Hospital, St Andrew’s Centre. Dr Baljit has also published both clinical and scientific journals on areas of translational science, burns, plastic and cosmetic surgery, making him a more than ideal candidate to answer the concerns many women (including myself) have regarding eliminating eye bags.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at why blepharoplasty is one of the most common surgical procedures in the world and the reasons why your stubborn eye bags won’t be cured by cosmetic products.

Eye Bag Cosmetics “Will Not Eradicate Eye Bags”

Many people have severe misconceptions about what eye bags are and how they’re formed. Eye bags are an issue that many people have to face, especially as they get older. The skin around the eyes can sag, causing the surrounding skin to look visibly worse, which in turn has seen many people look for a solution to eradicate the problem.

Unfortunately, while many cosmetic solutions may slow down, or mask the appearance of eye bags, they will not eradicate them.

Fortunately, I had the privilege of asking Dr Baljit a few questions concerning eye bags and the reasons why they’re so difficult to tackle without the aid of surgery. Simply put, the best way to eliminate the bags under your eyes is through the non-invasive surgery named blepharoplasty, which Baljit explains below:

“The most common way to perform the procedure is to remove or reposition the fatty tissue under the eyes. Then, a small amount of skin is excised and the lower eyelid tightened or lifted. However, there are many variations and it’s important to be fully assessed by an experienced plastic surgeon.”

Eye Bags Vs Puffy Eyes & Dark Circles

Another common misconception is the difference between eye bags and dark circles/puffy eye bags. Many patients come to see Dr Baljit not knowing what the difference between the two are and he frequently finds himself explaining:

“Eye bags are often a combination of fatty tissue and some excess skin. These often develop over time and can be treated surgically. Puffy eyes can sometimes be related to swelling of the skin and may require a different approach. It is not unusual to have a combination of bags and puffiness.”

I also asked if Dr Baljit could shed light on how to prevent eyes bags or puffy eyes, one of the most common imperfections people are looking to rectify:

“It is often impossible to prevent eye bags but ensuring that you protect the skin from the sun, avoid smoking and nicotine, have a healthy diet and get a good night’s sleep will help slow the process down.”

While it may be impossible to prevent eye bags, there are certainly ways to slow their eventuality and mask their appearance. Using expensive creams and solutions infused with caffeine, nutrients and vitamins can help rejuvenate the skin but this needs to be applied daily for the effects to take shape. Subsequently, failure to continue using the product may see your skin revert back to its previous form.

The Causes of Dark Circles and Why they’re Stubborn to Eliminate

“Dark circles are very difficult to treat without surgery – prevention is the best way.” – Dr Baljit.

While dark circles might be near-on impossible to get rid of using homeopathic methods and cosmetic creams, their inevitability can be managed. Dark circles under the eyes are very common. As Dr Baljit puts it:

“Dark circles under the eyes often reflect a thinning of the skin and a greater vulnerability to bruising or swelling.”

Due to the skin being thinner, it’s strongly advised that you protect yourself from sun exposure, avoid smoking and get plenty of sleep!

All of these will help slow the process down. The cause of dark circles under the eyes (and subsequently eye bags), is just lack of sleep or ageing.

Health and Diet has no Effect on Eye Bags

Surprisingly, your health and diet will not dramatically affect the bags under your eyes. Many people may say they look ‘tired all the time.’ However, as Dr Baljit puts it:
“this is merely a reflection of how they, or others see themselves, rather than any medical condition.”

It’s also entirely natural for people to develop eye bags as they age and in addition to this, eye bags are hereditary. So, if your parents or grandparents suffered with eye bags, then it is more likely you may have adopted this gene.

Eye Bag Surgery: The Cost Effective, Non-invasive Solution?

While pairing the word surgery with ‘non-invasive’ may seem somewhat contradictory, blepharoplasty is currently one of the least invasive surgical procedures. So, if you’re still looking for a reason to not go-ahead with eye bag surgery, here’s something you may want to consider:

Last year, women in the UK alone spent almost £1 billion on skincare products. Additionally, in 2008, women spent £32 million on eye-care products, which was £10 million more than in 2006. Therefore, it is estimated that the average spend of 2017 will be well over £80 million, given the increase in demand for eye-care products over 10 years.

The cost of a blepharoplasty procedure? Roughly £2000 – £5000 respectively.


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