The Main Causes of Tonsil Stones

Tonsil stones

If you are someone that is dealing with consistent bad breath and/or you constantly feel the need to clear your throat, you might be dealing with tonsil stones. Tonsil stones is a condition similar to tonsillitis but instead of seeing white puss appear on the tonsils, you’ll see little collections that look similar to stones (which is where they get their name).

Tonsil stones are either yellow or white in colour and they typically form in various pockets located on your tonsils. Sometimes they can form elsewhere in the back of your mouth (where ever debris can collect within a small space), but they are typically located on your tonsils.

In terms of your overall health, they aren’t that threatening, they’re actually almost harmless. The thing with them is that they can cause a number of annoying and discomforting symptoms, such as bad breath and swollen tonsils.

It’s for this reason why people desperately want to get rid of them.

So that you can avoid unpleasantness that comes with this type of infection, I’m going to outline the main causes of tonsil stones in this article.

And if you’re unfortunate enough to have already gotten tonsil stones, then don’t worry I’ll show you how to deal with tonsil stones too.

Tonsil stones

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Causes of Tonsil Stones


Bacteria is the primary cause of tonsil stones. Unfortunately, bacteria build-up can result from day to day eating. Because the food that you eat has to move past the tonsils on the way down your throat, it can cause significant bacteria to build up over time.

This is especially true if your tonsils have larger sized crypts than most as you’ll be more vulnerable to it. If left long enough the bacteria content will grow so large that your immune system will be unable to control it, resulting in infections like tonsillitis and tonsil stones.

As there isn’t much you can do about the size of your tonsillar crypts (apart from surgery), it’s very important to clear out your mouth of this bacteria on a daily basis. And you can do this by taking good care of your oral health.

Poor Oral Health

If you aren’t taking measures to properly clear out your mouth of harmful bacteria and debris then you will almost definitely get an infection. As many people overlook doing what their dentist tells them to do, this is the most common cause for getting tonsil stones.

In order to prevent this, I recommend that you do two things: brush and floss your teeth at least three times and gargle some type of antibacterial mouthwash. By doing this on regular basis you’ll keep the small pockets of space around your mouth clean of bacteria and debris.

If you want to learn more about this then check out this site.

Poor Hydration = Low Oxygen Environment

Another big reason why stones can grow in your tonsils, or in the surrounding areas, is that it offers the ideal breeding ground for bacteria. The stones that you might suffer from that cause bad breath and end up growing in these low oxygen environments because bacteria thrive in such an environment.

Thus, if you are someone that experiences dry mouth symptoms as well, then you are more likely to experience tonsil stones as the saliva in your mouth isn’t able to deliver oxygen.

Not only that but your saliva is also responsible for controlling the activity of harmful bacteria within your mouth. So if you aren’t staying properly hydrated then its ability to do this will be reduced.

There isn’t an exact amount of water that everyone should drink each day, no matter what you might have heard (the 8 glasses per day shtick). In order to get the exact you personally need to get, you need to take into consideration your health, your weight, your activity level and your diet.

Only after doing this will you get an accurate daily measurement.

And don’t worry if this sounds really complicated. There are a number of calculators found online that you can use.

How to Get Rid of Tonsil Stones 

Antibacterial Gargle

As I said above, I recommend that you gargle some sort of antibacterial mouthwash every day to help you clear out your mouth of harmful bacteria. This is exactly what you can do with salt water as it has antibacterial properties.

The solution can also help you break down the tonsil stones and shake them out of place as well. It’s extremely beneficial and well worth taking the extra minute or so each morning to do it.

All you need to do is take a tablespoon of the salt and add it to a glass full of clean cold (or warm – it’s up to you) water. Begin swirling this around your mouth, making sure it reaches your tonsils, for about 15 seconds.

After that, spit it out and repeat with the rest of the glass.

If you don’t like the thought of this then you could use apple cider vinegar instead. It also has antibacterial properties, so would fulfill the same purpose, but it’s also very effective at fighting off fungus as well as bacteria and can help reduce inflammation around the tonsils.

So you could argue that it’s more beneficial.

Besides brushing and flossing your teeth regularly, gargling one of these each day is possibly the best thing you can do to prevent and get rid of your tonsils stones.

Final Words

Now that you know why you possibly are getting tonsil stones, I hope that you find it easier to determine what action you need to take to prevent them. In most cases, it will be a problem in your daily oral hygiene routine, such as not flossing or brushing properly which is a relatively easy fix. Just do what I’ve outlined in this article and you will be fine.

However, sometimes the root cause can be something that you aren’t in control of, like having bigger than average tonsillar crypts. This opens you up to more bacteria collection which increases your chances of getting infection. If this is the case for you then just focus on gargling either salt water or apple cider vinegar.

I hope you enjoyed the article and that something I’ve said provides some benefit in your fight against tonsil stones.

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