The Advantages of Using Talkspace for Therapy

Online counselling is growing at an alarming rate and is becoming a popular model for support for young people. As reviewed by, Talkspace is an online application that is capable of matching someone with a licensed therapist. This is the perfect application for people who are always on the move or the type of people who prefer texting over the normal face to face interaction.

Talkspace offers affordable and confidential therapy with a network of expert and licensed therapists.

talk space


You can communicate with your therapist at any time, and for the duration, you wish to. The therapists will always get back to you even if you write them a whole novel.  The only disadvantage is that it may take quite some time before they respond.  It also saves time and money spent to travel to see a face to face therapist. Just log into your account and get started.

You can change therapists anytime

For beginners, when you first create an account on the Talkspace application, there will be a representative who will guide you in answering some questions that concern your mental health and also questions involving the type of therapist you want to work with. The application technically matches you with the kind of therapist that you feel comfortable with and a good thing about the app is the fact that you can change the therapist when you feel like. Changing a therapist is simple, all that you need to do is go to the setting tab of the application and click on “change therapist.”

Perfect for all people

Different people around the world have different styles of communication. Some people are known to operate better through text or writing, while other individuals prefer talking things out loud. There is no problem with the two approaches; this understanding can take certain people a long time to learn and understand. If texting becomes too monotonous for you, the Talkspace application allows its users to communicate through video and voice.

Has a passcode for your account

If you want to make sure that the communication you have between you and your therapist remains private, make sure you use a password. The Talkspace application gives you the option of using an online password that can help to prevent any third party from reading any conversation you have had with your therapists through audio or text.

You can communicate via a PC

If youa the type that types first, and prefers using a computer over a smartphone, you can simply log into your account on your PC via the Talkspace site online.


Talkspace is a good app. It will help you to understand your primary method of communication. You can also get rid of all the discomfort you might experience in regular therapy. When communicating with your online therapist, make sure you take things slowly as you would if you were communicating with an ordinary therapist in their office. Ensure that your therapist is a good match before going far into the therapy to avoid inconveniences.

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