Tips on How to Develop a Fitness Yoga Routine for Beginners

Yoga happens to be the buzzword in a world full of packed schedules, tight deadlines, meetings, family time and what not. It gives you the break that you need, helps you relax and takes care of your physical and mental health.

Starting with a yoga routine isn’t that easy and it is always advisable to take help from a professional. But, often at times, people find it hard to enroll in a yoga class owing to different factors – time, money, location, etc. So, how to start a yoga routine?

Well, there are certain things to keep in mind before you start with your start with your own yoga routine.

Here are some of the tips to help you achieve that.

Slow and Steady

Remember that you are about to start something that is totally new to you. So, it is best you take it slow and steady. Videos on YouTube featuring 45-minute yoga routines may be inspiring but there is no need for you to hurry. Start with small intervals of time let’s say, 20 minutes of your time each day towards your yoga routine.

This will keep you motivated and you’ll slowly begin to familiarize yourself with this sacred art. After maintaining this routine for a month or so, you can increase the time to around 35-minutes.

Discipline and Sticking to Your Schedule

One of the most important things yoga teaches you is discipline. Try to implement that in your life. Maintain a healthy routine – get up early, drink a glass of lukewarm water, clear your bowels, perform yoga, take a bath and you’re off to work.

It may happen that because of your work schedule you’re not able to practice yoga in the morning. No worries! Practice it in your preferred time but always make sure that you practice it at the same time, every day. Also, keep a close watch on what you eat. Yoga promotes vegetarian food but if you are not able to stick to it, ensure that you eat healthily, and try to have only three meals a day. Make sure that you have a fulfilling breakfast, followed by a moderate lunch and a light dinner.

Choose Your Poses Wisely

Now, this is serious. You may be confident that you’ll be able to perform the pose that girl is practicing on the video but, be careful. Injuries can happen from yoga if you are not maintaining the right posture or doing it too fast or not releasing the way it is supposed to be. The best idea is to select poses which are easy to practice and combine them with one difficult pose.

Always perform the easy yoga poses in the beginning so that your body warms up and chances of injuries are lessened.

Have Your Own Yoga Space

Though yoga can be performed provided that the place is calm but it is always better to have your own yoga space. Select a place in your home where you want to practice and keep all your essential yoga items like a mat, props, etc. in a well-organized manner.

You can also keep incense sticks, candles as well as decorate the place with inspirational quotes which creates a motivating environment for your yoga practice. Keep the place clean at all times.

Expand Your Knowledge

You cannot learn about yoga through some poses. It is a vast subject and it takes years for a person to become a true yogi. Though yoga is more about your personal experience but, try and expand your knowledge on the subject by reading different books, watching documentaries and talking with other yogis. Some good books on yoga are ‘Yoga Sutras of Patanjali’, ‘Light on Yoga’, ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ and ‘Raja Yoga’.

The more you learn about yoga, the more you’ll be inspired and the more you’ll feel its power.

Think About All What You Require

You cannot practice yoga on the floor as you may hurt yourself in the process. A yoga mat is what you’ll require to begin your practice. Choose a mat that is sturdy, light and gives you a good grip. Often at times, a yoga mat without good grip results in students falling over leading to injuries. Another important thing is the props however when you’re at home you can make use of items like books, belts, etc. instead of buying props.

Clothing has to be light and should fit you properly so that you don’t feel uncomfortable.

Hope these tips will help you to plan out your yoga routine. Practice with dedication and you’ll soon realize how amazing yoga is. If you want to further your practice, yoga training is what you should aim for next. Happy Yoga!!!


Author Bio :

Bipin Baloni is a passionate Yogi, Yoga Teacher and a Traveller in India. He provides Yoga Teacher Training Nepal. He loves writing and reading books related to yoga, health, nature and the Himalayas. 



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