The Venus Factor 2.0 Review [Experts Guide]
Venus Factor 2.0 is a guaranteed weight loss program created specifically for women. Unlike most weight loss programs, the creators of Venus Factor 2.0 have considered the fact that men and women lose weight at different rates. In comparison to men, it is difficult for women to lose and maintain weight. This is due to the biological differences between men and women.
Women get older, their body stops producing certain hormones which are responsible to keep their weight in check and make them look beautiful. Due to this, there is an imbalance of hormones in their body and they start gaining weight in areas around the waist, thighs, and butt. Venus Factor 2.0 is a 12-week fat loss system that will boost your metabolism and bring you to your ideal weight.

John Barban is a Canadian physical trainer and fitness expert who created this 12-week fat loss program. He also has a degree in human biology and nutrition from the University of Guelph. Since completing his education, John has committed to the fitness industry and help millions of people achieve their goal of replacing flab with muscle. In addition, John has also worked for fitness giants like MuscleTech, NxLabs and BlueStar Nutraceuticals.
How does the Venus Factor 2.0 help you lose weight?
This program focuses on increasing the production of a hormone called Leptin. Higher levels of Leptin in your body leads to rapid fat loss and vice versa. The good thing is, women naturally produce more Leptin than men. However, it’s production decreases as women get older or have children. To maintain a proper balance of these essential hormones in your body, you have to put additional efforts in the way you eat, sleep and exercise. This is what this program is about.
This program helps you strike the right levels of Leptin for your weight, height, and current fitness level. And this is achieved by following the exercise and nutrition plan for just 12 weeks. The creator of this product John Barban has created a unique software that provides a weight loss plan based on their fitness needs.
In the eBook, John has also provided a diet plan which has a new revolutionary eating habits for women that will help them shed those extra pounds. As far as the physical exercise part is a concern, the routines demonstrated in the video course are quite basic and doesn’t require any additional equipment. Maybe you could get an exercise mat and good shoes but I am guessing you already must have them in your home
Venus Factor 2.0 is a digital product. You can get full access to the videos, inner circle forums and reading material with a single click of a button. Moreover, they also provide 60-day money back guarantee. If you are unsatisfied with the product, all you have to do is give them your feedback on a phone call or email. That’s it. They will give you a 100 percent refund. No questions asked.
What I like about the Venus Factor 2.0
Venus Factor 2.0 is not a magic pill solution. Hence it doesn’t have the side-effects that most quick-fix solutions have. It’s a combination of diet and workout routines that are tailor-made for women. So, this makes the Venus Factor 2.0 perfect for a person who loves all-natural and side-effects free products. In addition, the Venus Factor 2.0 is only a 12-week program. It saves your money, time and energy that otherwise would be wasted without any output.
What I don't like about the Venus Factor 2.0
I feel like the Venus Factor 2.0 focuses too much on the master hormone leptin. It is true that leptin is responsible for weight loss in both men and women but there are other things that need to be considered as well. In the end, Venus Factor 2.0 is based on a proper diet and exercise, so I feel mentioning hormones like leptin in their product can create some confusion.
My Recommendation
I highly recommend Venus Factor 2.0 to women who don’t have the time to go to a gym and access to home-made meals. It is only a 12-week program which will get you back on track and let you live your life with the enthusiasm that you once had. However, it requires you to stick to the exercise and nutrition schedule for the 12 weeks. With determination and discipline, this will turn out to be another fad diet program that doesn’t work.