Unlock Your Hip Flexors 2.0 Review [2019]

Unlock your Hip Flexors

Unlock Your Hip Flexors 2.0 is a clinically proven exercise program to increase flexibility in your hip. The materials provided with this digital product contains eBooks and video demonstrations. As you already know, there are numerous exercises programs available online that claim to increase your hip flexibility and relieve you of hip pain. But they all require you to spend a lot of time learning and performing them.

The creators of this product have narrowed down 10 vital exercises that will help you recover from any hip injury and restore the strength in them. These 10 exercises will help you get back to doing all types of physical activities like running, rock-climbing, trekking, etc. By performing these exercises as per routine is given in the program, you will slowly start to build strength and gain the confidence to do the things that you always wanted to do.


Mike- Hip Flexors

Mike Westerdal is the leading personal trainer, sports nutrition specialist and a best-selling author of numerous fitness books. He along with leading Kinesiologist and Injury Specialist Rick Kaselj created Unlock Your Hip Flexors. Mike is also the founder and president of CriticalBench. It’s a website where Mike shares all his free and paid resources to the fitness community in America and Canada.

About the contents of Unlock Your Hip Flexors 2.0

This program is divided into two parts. In the first part of the video series, the creator of this program, Rick Kaselj explains the mechanism behind each and every exercise and provides you all the information you will need while actually performing them. He also demonstrates how to perform them safely and effectively. In the second part, you are required to observe and perform the exercises along with Rick.

What is Sequential Flow Method?

Hip Flexors 2.0

Sequential Flow Method is developed by Rick Kaselj –one of the co-creators of Unlock Your Hip Flexors 2.0.  According to Rick, most people who try home workout routine for hip flexibility perform the exercises in an incorrect sequence. Your hip muscles are very intricate yet organized, so only by performing the exercises in the correct order, you will be able to open up your hips. In this program, Rick teaches how to correctly release your hip muscles to get the results that you want. The Sequential Flow Method makes your lower body feels loose and natural.


This is one of the cheapest Hip Flexors strengthening programs in the market. You only have to pay $10 to receive the whole package. In addition, there is a 60 day risk-free and satisfaction guarantee. So, you are not risking anything here.

What I like about Unlock Your Hip Flexors 2.0

This program is co-created by Rick Kaselj who is an injury specialist and has years of experience treating complicated sports injuries. I like that Unlock Your Hip Flexors 2.0 is created by an actual medical professional and not by a “nobody” who claims to have found the miracle cure. In addition, Rick himself demonstrates the exercises in the video series and explains every little thing in detail.

What I don't like about Unlock Your Hip Flexors 2.0

Some of the explanations in the eBook are too in-depth and contain jargon that a medical professional uses. This can sometimes confuse people who do not have a medical science background. However, you can easily skip those sections and still perform the exercises.

My Recommendation

Unlock Your Hip Flexors 2.0 is for anyone who is suffering from lower back pain or immobility in the hip flexors. By immobility I mean you are not able to move the way you used to. I also recommend this program to people in their 30’s and 40’s who want to feel young again and want to be able to take part in physical activities like marathons and cycling.

Unlock Your Hip Flexors 2.0 is tailor-made for people who are looking to renew and reshape their lower bodies within a few weeks of work. Being said that, this is not a quick fix program. So, you won’t get instant results by performing the 10 exercises in this program. But, two or three weeks of consistent workout should be enough to strengthen your hips.

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