9 Reasons to Visit Your Eye Doctor Regularly

People tend to see a doctor only when something is wrong with their health. But what about all the preventive checkups that should be done at least once a year? Sounds like a lot of work. Maybe it is, but we must understand that health comes first and that therapy will be more effective if something is discovered in time, and not if we wait until the last moment to contact the doctor.

When we talk about the reasons for contacting an eye doctor, many indicate that we need an examination by this specialist, and here are some of them.

Almost 60% of the world’s population needs vision correction. That’s a lot of people, but the good news is that 80% of visual difficulties can be avoided and corrected.
To find out if you need glasses you need to understand the symptoms of vision loss.

Changes in night vision

Image source: unspalsh.com

The night makes driving difficult for everyone, and especially for those drivers who have some vision problems. Cataract (cataract) blurs vision. It doesn’t hurt, but it gets worse over time, and the first symptom is poorer vision at night. If you suddenly find it harder to drive when it gets dark, see a doctor. It should also be borne in mind that a lack of vitamin A in the body can cause problems in the night driving, so people with chronic diseases that make it difficult to absorb nutrients should be careful. Reduced visibility during night driving is called night blindness, and it is caused by the baked presence of headlights and street lighting.

If you notice at night that you cannot clearly distinguish between traffic signs and vehicles on the road or if you do not see objects clearly around you, it is time to go for an eye examination because this is one of the first signs of possible vision problems. For more information visit elitevisioncenters.com.

Headaches and migraines

Although the causes of migraines and headaches can be different (stress, muscle tension, inflammation), they can also indicate vision problems. Frequent headaches are definitely a sign to see a doctor. Very often it is nothing, but sometimes it can indicate many health problems, including eye problems.

Eye fatigue

The cause of eye fatigue can be insomnia or excessive looking at the computer, but if the fatigue lasts longer than three days, then there is a good chance that it is an eye infection and that prompt intervention by an ophthalmologist is needed to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Red eyes

Red eyes can be associated with fatigue, allergies, excessive alcohol consumption, but they can also indicate conjunctivitis or glaucoma. If you notice that the redness does not go away all day, it is best to consult an ophthalmologist for an examination.

Blurred vision

Image source: unspalsh.com

You may sometimes “play” while driving and test your eyesight by trying to read the license plates of the vehicle in front of you. Yes, you see well. However, when you close one eye you notice that the numbers are blurred and that you cannot read them clearly. This may be harmless and your ophthalmologist may prescribe only eye drops, but it may also indicate more serious problems and even that surgery may be needed. It can also indicate astigmatism – a refractive error of the eye that many call a cylinder.

Eye infection

An examination by an ophthalmologist is not just about checking your eyesight, but also assessing the health of your eyes and eyelids. Although many infections often go away on their own, without the use of any therapy, it is still important to see a doctor because some can leave lasting effects on the eyes. Besides, symptoms such as redness, itchy eyes, and purulent discharge should never be ignored.

Problems with focusing

Image source: unspalsh.com

Focusing problems can occur in a certain light, but also when reading lowercase letters or looking at the phone or computer screen. In any case, it is good to visit an ophthalmologist and seek advice from him. If you are someone who spends a lot of time in front of the screen, you may get glasses with anti-reflective lenses that will reduce eye fatigue.

Pain in the eyes

Eye pain is a sign that you should never ignore, and it is wrong to hope that it will go away on its own. Pain may indicate acute glaucoma which very often leads to multi-day blindness. Of course, the causes can also be allergies, scratched redness, dry eyes, headaches, and many other reasons that your doctor will best tell you.

Elevated intraocular pressure

If left untreated, glaucoma in some people can lead to permanent eye damage or vision loss. Sometimes it is difficult to recognize the symptoms that indicate elevated intraocular pressure because there are no external signs that indicate it. That is why it is necessary to check your vision regularly because most ophthalmologists measure eye pressure during a regular examination.

How to preserve eye health

There are several things that each of us can do for ourselves and the health of our eyes. In addition to the need for preventive check-ups, it is also good to get acquainted with the family history of eye diseases, ie whether there is an inherited disease. Just as a proper and healthy diet is necessary for our body to be healthy, vitamins are also very important for eye health. This group of vitamins includes vitamins that contain antioxidants, namely C, E, and A. Omega 3 fatty acids have also been shown to be beneficial.

It may sound strange, but bodyweight is also associated with eye health, as obese people are more prone to diabetes, and diabetes is known to lead to vision loss.

Sunlight and daylight reduce visibility, but constant exposure to UV rays increases the risk of cataracts. By wearing sunscreen, you will prevent the penetration of UVA and UVB light.

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