4 Drug-Free Long-Term Solutions for Chronic Back Pain

A survey conducted from 2014-15 shows that 16% of the Australian population have back problems. That’s 3.7 million people with ailing backs in Australia alone. In addition, experts estimate that 70 to 90% of the general population are bound to suffer from some form of lower back pain at a certain point in their lives. Some scientists attribute these mass incidents of back pain to the fact that our spine was originally designed for walking on all fours. Back then, the human spine comfortably arched like a bow to withstand the weight of our organs. It was the perfect design until we learned to stand up, which basically forced the spine to act like a column. And now, after millennia of evolution, we’re still equipped with a spinal column that seems like it hasn’t fully adjusted to the demands of bipedal life. Evolutionarily speaking, we seem to be trapped in a state of chronic back pain due to the very design of the human body. But all is not lost. This same design problem has been studied by modern scientists and physical therapists for years. And if human evolution has failed to provide relief for humanity’s back problems, perhaps human […]
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