Anaemia During Pregnancy: Symptoms, Causes And Prevention

Anaemia is a medical condition in which you don’t have enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to your tissues and has been discovered to occur in 80% of the pregnant women due to the excess amount of blood the body produces to help provide nutrients for the baby. Anaemia during pregnancy can be in two ways: it can be a mild condition and easily treated if discovered early and it can also be very severe and cause damage to the baby and mother, if not taken care of properly. SYMPTOMS OF ANAEMIA DURING PREGNANCY Most times, symptoms of anaemia can be mild at first and often go unnoticed. However, as it progresses, the symptoms become worsen. Also note that some symptoms could be due to a different cause other than anaemia, so talking to your doctor is strongly advised. Some common symptoms of anaemia are: -Excessive tiredness and weakness of the body -Pale skin and some body parts -Dizziness -Headaches -Shortness of breath -Irregular heartbeat -Chest pain CAUSES -Iron deficiency -Poor intake of iron in diet -Folic acid deficiency -Heavy menstrual bleeding -Ulcer COMPLICATIONS OF ANAEMIA DURING PREGNANCY -Preterm labour -Increased incidence of postpartum hemorrhage -Increased susceptibility […]
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