Technology’s Impact On Healthcare : The Good, The Bad, And The Unexpected

There are two sides to every coin—but there’s also an edge between them. This is an excellent metaphor for modern technology. While advances in technology have facilitated miracles in medicine, like effectively assisted cardiology, there are also downsides; such as physiological and psychological ailments like obesity, or mental health issues likewise deriving from an imbalance in technology usage. But on an unexpected note, technology has made itself even more intrinsic to modern medicine in that computational ability is now taking on a decidedly biological turn. Ones and zeroes comprising binary code don’t provide enough cumulative data storage capability. From smartphones to laptops to GPS systems built into vehicles, there is a ubiquity of data in usage today. That data continues to grow, prompting technologists to seek more efficient means of storage. The role of big data in healthcare has been noticeable not only in storing confidential health data but also in understanding clinical context in finding better treatment options. What have they come up with? Well, hold onto your hat; they’ve discovered how to encode DNA such that it stores information. There were a few pictures and a bit of music encoded onto a strand of DNA and read using […]
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