Wrinkles it is better to prevent or to treat?

It is undoubtedly one of the aesthetic problems that mostly concerns women, although of course men have already begun to recognize it, and although the years do not come alone. What are they? Wrinkles are the visible sign of how we have taken care of our skin during our life, to be able to delay its appearance and have a smoother and younger facial appearance we must take care of it since we are too young to avoid the signs that in the long term will appear even without wanting it. Tips to avoid wrinkles There are currently many aesthetic techniques of facial rejuvenation, all kinds of anti-wrinkle creams, serumsetc., but, the best technique is the proper care of the skin in every aspect, here I list some tips that can be helpful: 1.Hydration and feeding: The human body is composed of 75% of water at birth and about 65% in adulthood. Approximately 65% of said water is inside the cells and the rest circulates in the blood and bathes the tissues. Even more important external application of moisturizers is to stay hydrated, it has been recommended to drink at least 2 liters each day of water, a well-hydrated […]
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