The Impact of Cold Weather on Your Arthritis

Introduction If you are suffering from Arthritis then you understand the struggle that many people have to put up with each day. 50 millions of people to be exact because that is the number of Arthritis-diagnosed patients right now. And the numbers seem to be growing with each day, unfortunately. But that is not entirely what we are here to talk about today. What brought us here today are the problems that these patients experience during the cold, fall and winter days. Yes, the struggle during the cold days is real for these patients as they have to go through extreme joint pain and disability as a result of it. But do you know why? Why does it seem as your joint pain increases during the cold days? Well, if you are interested enough to find out more about this phenomenon as well as learn some tips and tricks that will help you manage your pain, then stay with us in the following article. Why does your joint pain increase during the fall and winter days? Considered to be a controversial topic for a long time, whether or not cold weather caused the signs and symptoms of joint pain to […]
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