FNP: How to Expand Your Career in Nursing

Whether you have spent years in your profession and you’re looking for a change of pace, or you’re just starting out in nursing and wondering what to specialize in, becoming a family nurse practitioner can be very rewarding. Prospective FNPs can look forward to varied work opportunities, a good salary, and they can even branch out and practice independently. Here is a short guide to how you can expand your career and become a family nurse practitioner. Family Nurse Practitioners Family nurse practitioners (FNPs) perform a wider scope of functions than registered nurses. They are health care providers who perform similar duties as physicians. Family nurse practitioners examine patients, diagnose illnesses and conditions, prescribe medication, order diagnostic tests, and offer treatment to patients. They are usually the first point of contact in healthcare settings, and they are often the primary care provider for patients. FNPs work alongside physicians to provide optimum healthcare. Work Environment Certified family nurse practitioners can work in a plethora of healthcare settings. As an FNP, you can find yourself in hospital settings, private practices, ambulatory care settings, health departments, community centers, physician’s offices, and schools. Family nurse practitioners can also become primary care providers to insurance […]
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