Diet-Winter Season

Late autumn is a period when colds and diseases are easily affected. Lack of sun and a drop in temperature also discourage us from physical activity, but we prefer to eat well in the warm comfort of the house. Meanwhile, it’s worth to arrange your diet so as not to put on weight and keep your health! We all have a tendency to gain weight during the winter. We spend less time in the open air, sitting more often in front of the TV or computer. A good idea is to buy a swimming pool or gym ticket at that time and, in spite of the weather, exercise to maintain or even improve the form. However, it is best to combine this with a rational diet, because the choice of food has a decisive impact on both the figure and human health. What to eat so as not to gain weight and not feel hungry? Contrary to popular opinion, it is best to eat fatty foods in autumn and winter, it is better to bet on a consistent diet. Eating a fat dish ends with overweight and a feeling of heaviness, which is not conducive to better well-being or protection […]
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