10 Horrifying Effects of Caffeine on the Brain

There’s no escaping the fact that up to 64 percent of Americans drink a cup of coffee every day.[1] Most people from the 64 percent consume untold amounts of caffeine from either coffee or other energy drinks. Excess caffeine can cause some serious damage to the brain. In this post, we will discuss how ignorant we are concerning the horrible effects of caffeine on the brain. Let’s look at an example of Tom Brady, an American football quarterback for the New England Patriots of the National Football League. He is known for being a health and fitness nerd. In his interview with WEEI he said he has never had coffee in his entire life. “No, I never had any coffee or anything like that, I just never tried it.” Yet we go on ignoring the ill-effects of caffeine on our brain and consume more than the recommended amount. Following are the ten negative effects of caffeine on the brain : 1) Caffeine can cause headaches and migraines Caffeine can trigger migraines in some individuals who are sensitive to it. Factually speaking, every individual suffering from migraines has his own set of unique triggers. Common triggers are alcoholic beverages, caffeine, stress, […]
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