Is unhealthy lifestyle affecting our oral health???

Our lifestyle influences every aspect of our life, be it our food habits or our sleeping pattern. Everything we do, has its effects, either good or bad. In today’s world, time is a luxury, we can’t afford. The world around us or should say, the people in it are always running. We try to fit the maximum work in our day, and while doing this we often fall into certain lifestyle patterns. We want to do everything in a hurry. The “Food” has been transformed into “Fast Food” and our “Sleep” into “Power Naps.” In this blog, let’s discuss such lifestyle patterns and there impact on our oral health. JUNK FOODS Junk food often consists of too much unhealthy fats and carbohydrates. These foods are usually high in calories and low in nutritional value. Frequent consumption of these can lead to heart problems, diabetes or obesity. There has been researches highlighting the co-relation between heart issues and oral health problems. Diabetes affects the overall health and work capacity of person. Its an evil, once acquired, you can never get rid of. Obesity in itself can lead to Sleep Apnea (snoring or irregular sleep patterns due to breathing irregularities.) CARBONATED DRINKS/ […]
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