Procedure for Piles Laser Surgery in Delhi and its Approx Cost – 2024 Guide

Suffering from piles can be embarrassing! But if not treated on time can adversely affect your quality of life. Piles are inflamed and swollen tissues, formed at the anal region. They are also known as hemorrhoids. Their sizes vary and they can occur within the anal area (internal hemorrhoids) or outside the anal area (external hemorrhoids). However, with the most advanced treatment option like laser surgery, you can get rid of your piles in just a few minutes! If you are located in Delhi, then undergoing a procedure for Piles laser Surgery in Delhi can be very easy and cost-effective. What causes piles? According to Pristyn Care, the inflammation of tissues in the anal region leads to the stretching and thinning of the anal passage, causing discomfort while passing stools. Chronic diarrhea and constipation, genetic tendency to piles, strain when lifting heavy objects, pregnancy, lack of intake of fibers and fluids, previous bowel surgery, or anal intercourse are some of the associated risk factors for piles. What are the symptoms? Painful swelling around the anus Itching around the anus Bleeding after a bowel movement Painful bowel movement Irritation around the anus Leaking of stool Diagnosis and Treatment Whenever symptoms of […]
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