Cervical Fusion – Indications And Contraindications, Methods of Surgery

Cervical fusion is a surgical procedure that is a type of arthrodesis. The purpose of the surgery is to immobilize one or more vertebral-motor segments. This is accomplished by installing special structures that hold the vertebrae to be fused together securely. As a result, over time, they firmly fuse, which completely eliminates the possibility of movement and the development of painful sensations in the background. Cervical fusion is necessary for many spinal pathologies that are not amenable to conservative treatment. Therefore, it is usually combined with other surgical interventions. The spinal surgeons will help you get rid of your spine problems and perform fusion surgery. Indications for Cervical Fusion Spondylolisthesis and vertebral instability, which is accompanied by severe pain, require removal of motion of the vertebral-motor segment. The vertebral-motor segment is the structural and functional unit of the spine that consists of two adjacent vertebrae, the disc between them, and the facet joint and its ligaments. Vertebral instability is most commonly caused by severe osteochondrosis, in which the intervertebral discs are severely damaged and completely lose their function. As a result, a large number of patients additionally experience not only intervertebral hernias, but also facet joint arthrosis and compression of […]
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