Steps to Healing From Weight Loss Surgery – 2024 Guide

Dealing with any kind of surgery can make an impact on your mental health. People often need time to recover and heal back, which is why your recovery should be at its optimal and ideal level, as well as your priority. In this article, we will talk about different procedures, as well as treatment options along with some healing remedies that will help you maximize the results, and get you back on your feet, literally!

Top 7 preparation steps for your weight loss surgery

1. Set aside some transition clothes

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As you lose weight you will need a lot of transformation outfits that will suit your future figure. You should purchase something affordable and in several different sizes since you won’t know what to expect. You can also look through your closet and find some old and small numbers, or go on a shopping spree with your friends and try to enjoy this process.

2. Get multivitamins

Your stomach might struggle to hold some portions of heavy foods, as well as nutritious foods, which is why you will need more vitamins and minerals. Supplements are something that your doctor will recommend, so purchase beforehand and have them in stock.

3. Stock your medical supplies

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Bandages, as well as pain relievers, are something that you will need. Also, purchase gauze pads and cotton balls once you get home, it is always a good idea to have these on deck.

4. Prevent vomiting

Vomiting is quite common and may cause discomfort. You should adjust gradually, chew properly, and eat smaller portions at first. Give it time to fully adjust and your stomach will thank you.

5. Don’t drink or smoke

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If you are a drinker or a smoker, quit this bad habit. Most doctors will advise you to quit smoking 2-weeks before the surgery. When it comes to drinking, heads up since your throat might feel dry and sore from intubation.

6. Read up on your surgery

Read the right survey, listen to some other experiences of your friends (or online forums), and know what to expect. You should be prepared and the process will be a lot more comfortable, as well as easier to understand and go with.

7. Excessive skin from weight loss

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You might be experiencing loose skin after this type of surgery. This is quite individual and it will vary from one person to the other. You can get rid of excessive fat and loose skin in time and with some weight training that will tone your skin and help you build muscle.

Top 9 recovery steps after your surgery

1. Listen to your body

This is the most important step and every doctor will tell you to take it easy and to listen to your body. Do not overeat, for instance, since it will induce vomiting. Do not eat more than a quarter of a cup of each meal since it will take time for your stomach to adjust.

2. Stay active

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Do not run, but try to walk as much as possible. Keep your blood circulating since this will prevent clots + it can speed up the journey in itself.

3. Avoid strenuous activity

If your job is quite stressful, rather stay at home. If your job involves heavy lifting as well as workouts head up since you could aggravate your surgery. This is quite individual, but most doctors will recommend 2-3 slow and peaceful weeks to get your body back on its feet.

4. Stay hydrated

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Drink water and remember that dehydration can damage any skin type, it can make you feel dry, and it can make you lose hair. Two liters of water are ideal for everyone, and for every day. If you can’t keep track, make yourself a reminder and download an app on your phone that will go off every couple of hours to keep you checked and in place.

5. No sugar, fat, alcohol, or carbonation

Sugary foods are a big no-no since they will exceed your calorie limit. You shouldn’t eat white bread, sweets, red meat, or even fatty foods. Alcohol, soda, as well as carbonated drinks will make a disbalance in your stomach, so stay away from them. You don’t want to gain some weight now, do you?

6. Be prepared to plateau

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Your mind should be prepared for the surgery as much as your body. Every weight loss journey will hit a plateau at one point. Once this happens, remember to change your portions, groceries, as well as everyday habits. Both men and women should be aware of this change, as well as their issues or some possible complications.

7. Avoid hernia and anemia

This one might sound too obvious, but menstruation, as well as inadequate nutrition, can lead to anemia. How is your iron looking at the moment? Vitamin A is vital as you’re recovering, so keep your blood in check.

8. Use mechanical birth control

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You will need to avoid pregnancy, and alternate methods are more than important. Most doctors will recommend that you wait at least 18 months before you get pregnant. However, you will be free of obesity or excessive weight, which will make your reproduction cycle a lot better.

9. Stay committed and be realistic

Weight loss journeys can be complicated, so stay realistic, as well as committed to the process. Ask your doctor about all the possible outcomes, prepare yourself mentally, and you will have the answers for the rest of your life!

Ready for your quick recovery?

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The Bariatric and Metabolic Center of Colorado is an amazing clinic that has had over 1,000 bariatric surgeries thus far, and they have some of the best doctors that will change your life, as well as your body positivity! You can get all of your questions answered, browse their patient info, or choose the get started section to navigate quickly through their site. BMCC will help anyone who struggles wit

h their self-image, and will give them ideal results, no matter your age or gender!

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