What you Need to Know Before Going for Your LASIK Surgery – 2024 Guide

There are certain things you should know before and after undergoing a LASIK surgery, for example, you should take a break from sporting activities, and there is also LASIK aftercare that you should adhere to! Here are some of the important things you should know before going for LASIK surgery! You need to take a break from sporting activities after a LASIK surgery This is very important, especially if you had undergoes laser vision correction surgeries that involve the creation of corneal flap such as LASIK. You have to take a break from sporting activities after this surgery. Usually, you need to wait for a few weeks before resuming sporting activities, water sports included! Check with your doctor at the exact time you have to wait before you can resume your sporting activities! Also, if you are into active contact sports such as martial arts, soccer, or basketball, LASIK might not be the best choice for you. This is because the corneal flap that was created during the surgery will pose a risk of it being dislodged when you got hit around the eye. If you are a sports enthusiast, another type of laser vision correction that does not involve […]
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