It’s Getting Harder to Imagine a PPE-Free Medical Environment

Much of the discussion surrounding the coronavirus pandemic deals with the here and now. What do we need to do now to prevent people from getting sick? What do we do about schools and sporting events? All the short-term discussion is absolutely necessary. Yet the long-term effects of coronavirus will become short-term at some point. For example, the virus has had such a profound impact on our collective psyche that it is getting hard to imagine a medical environment that is ever free of routine personal protective equipment (PPE) again. It seems like this might be one of those things that can never be put back now that it has been let out. Prior to coronavirus, you could go to your doctor’s office and never see: ● face masks ● latex gloves ● isolation gowns ● transparent face shields. It is not that these things are bad or were never used. They are good and they were used. But their use in routine medicine was so limited that you could visit the doctor several times per year and never see them being worn by staff. Those days may be permanently over. Fear Is Hard to Overcome Fear is a complex […]
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