What is a Joint Cartilage and Why is it Important in the Body?

In every moving part of your body, there’s a connective tissue whose role is to serve as a cushion between the bone and the joint. The role of this flexible fibrous tissue in the body is incredibly important as it protects moving bones from touching the joint and essentially causing the stiff, painful feeling. The human body has three types of cartilages, namely; Elastic cartilage, Fibrocartilage and Hyaline cartilage and they all have distinct features. Of importance is the joint cartilage, – a unique tissue of diarthrodial joint whose absence automatically results in arthritis. If it is damaged, however, lots of details and procedures would go into ensuring it heals and functions well. But, what exactly is a Joint Cartilage? As the basic science of Articular Cartilage explains, this super-tough and flexible material acts as a cushion between the joint and the bones. However, this joint cartilage is officially referred to as articular cartilage for it covers the entire surface where the articulate born meets the joint. Basically, it is the cartilage found at the knee joint and whose main role is to ensure no friction is generated as the femur or the tibia glide over the joint. What it’s […]
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