8 Best Substitutes for Heavy Cream

Heavy cream is the fat that rises to the top of the boiled milk. This cream is thick, heavy, and 95% percent is fat. The rest is sugar. Although, heavy cream or heavy whipped cream has only 7.5 calories per tablespoon, when consumed in large quantities regularly can lead to cardiovascular disease in the future. No animal-based product with so much fat content can be healthy in the long run. Here are the 8 Best substitutes for Heavy Cream 1) Evaporated milk Evaporated milk is unsweetened condensed milk with 60 percent of its water content removed by the process of heating, homogenization, canning, and heat-sterilization. There is a lot of mystery surrounding this substitute for heavy cream. The mystery is due to the fact that every country has its own definition of “Evaporated Milk”. People seem to be using this form of milk in several recipes. In the United States, Evaporated milk is added to tea, coffee, and latte. It can also be used as dressings for salads, burgers, and sandwiches. Compared to regular whipped heavy cream, it just contains 6.5 percent of fat. Hence, you can use it as a healthier and tastier substitute for heavy cream. Besides, canned […]
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