How Corporate Yoga Will Help Your Business?

Corporate Yoga

This is no trade secret anymore that an unhealthy and an unhappy workforce play a prominent role in a rapid deterioration of a company and vice versa. Why? Because an unhappy or an unfit employee is incapable of reaching his full potential owing to which the overall ‘Productivity’ of the organization is compromised. Hence, an employee’s robust well-being is a mandatory requirement for the business to grow and develop to its optimum. For this reason, corporations are incorporating various health and wellness programs for the employee’s and the company’s welfare, the promising outcomes of which are quite prevalent in their fact sheets. Yoga, the greatest science of health and wellness, is a major constituent of these health and wellness programs – often underlined as Corporate Yoga. And, to stroke the concept further, here are six major factors that evidently explain how the introduction of Corporate Yoga helps a business grow and flourish:

Reduced Rate of Absenteeism

Reduced Rate of Absenteeism

The employees’ average turn-out rate at work is directly proportional to fulfilled targets and increased productivity. Loss of interest, poor health, burn-out mind, lack of motivation, depression, etc., gradually promote issues of regular absenteeism at work. Yoga, with its amazing healing abilities and a captivating practice, inspires the employees towards maintaining a robust mental and physical health. This inspiration is highly helpful in sustaining a regular attendance at work. While a great physical health only contributes to fewer sick leaves.

Enhanced Cognitive and Creative Potentials

A regular practice of Meditation and Pranayama can unlock the creative and cognitive potentials of your employee at an advanced scale. As the creative and cognitive powers unleash, the employees become an avid reason for contributing towards innovation, research, and development. With the help of Corporate Yoga, they even increase the storage space in their brain which aids in an effective management of work and the company’s resources. Pranayamas and various meditation techniques are highly helpful in stilling the mind, thereby providing it with a better sense of clarity and focus. In addition, Yoga also promotes mindfulness at work – an indispensable trait in unleashing the full potential and energy of an individual for procuring enhanced outputs at work and life both.

Helps with an Effective Management of Stress

Management of Stress

Stress is a part and parcel of an employee’s life. Maintaining the work-life balance can be quite cumbersome, not to mention work alone can be quite a handful to manage at times. This usually triggers the production of stress hormone ‘cortisol’ in the employees. This stress hormone can be naturally busted with the help of Yoga Asanas and Meditation, another reason why corporate yoga is an essential tool for the company aspiring to bring about better outputs as a stressed employee can lead to no good. Yoga has also proven effective in increasing the Emotional Intelligence. This way, the employees exhibit more perseverance, dedication, and tolerance at work and towards stress both, while the self-awareness is heightened and compassion as a whole is deepened.

Reduced Expenses on Health Care

 Time and again, Yoga has proved its mettle by being the most vouched-for healing science ever known to the mankind. This is the only form of science that works on mind, body, spirit balance. A regular practice of Yoga works on three levels – mental, physical, and spiritual. This is a science of mental and physical discipline. With a strong mind and a healthy body, the employees do not require any kind of investment in fulfilling their healthcare needs. Owing to this reason, several corporations are resorting to regular Yoga Wellness programs, thereby saving nearly 48 % of their average yearly expenses on health and lifestyle care. They eventually realize and level with the fact that prevention is surely better than cure and also much less cost-bearing. Yoga, being a healing science, is also highly effective in managing issues that are commonly faced by employees such as neck strain, spinal stress, sleep-related disorders, coronary issues, carpal tunnel syndrome, lethargy, etc. By providing excellent solutions to safely managing these issues and further aiding in their elimination, Corporate Yoga could not be more desirable. In addition, a brief practice of Corporate Yoga is also highly useful in postural correction and adjustment of the body which may get tainted due to prolonged working hours.

Most Convenient Quick-Fix

One of the reasons why wellness programs do not bear results to their full-throttle is the amount of hassle and time involved in undergoing these. Employees need something light, effective, planned, and on-the-go that does not overpower too much of their time, travel, or space. No expenses on acquiring an equipment or building hard-core interiors, you can organize Corporate Yoga classes for your employees using a bare-minimum investment in terms of time and effort both. As basic as getting a decent room space with yoga mats and some sunlight (if that’s an option), and you are good to go. Not to mention, it can be practiced anytime, anywhere. You would not have to assign a specific yoga room for this. In fact, the style can be experimented with in a conference room, a terrace setting, or even a board room. There are different themes on that to work on and to keep the employees engaged.

A Transition from Quit to a ‘No’ Quit

Stress, pressure, overbearing competition, friction between the employees – all this and more can lead to a total mind, body burn-out. So much so, that ‘quitting’ becomes the only resort to come out of the pit that seems like a corporate black hole that is limitless and unconquerable. A number of times the confidence level is affected by an irreversible stage. Yoga is a sure shot rescuer in this scenario too. The science of mental and physical wellness responsible for establishing a strong balance within is highly remedial in uplifting the spirits of the employees and instigating healthy relationships along with a heightened confidence to take on each day with fresh perspective and optimism.

Grow your business with corporate yoga wellness programs and build yourself a brighter, healthier, and a promising future.


Author Bio: Manmohan Singh is a passionate Yogi, Yoga Teacher and a Traveller in India. He provides yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, India. He loves writing and reading the books related to yoga, health, nature and the Himalayas.  For more information about him visit his website.

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