Body Toning Exercises for Females


Getting fit and in shape is a lifelong goal for some people. It is mainly because of that stubborn fat which takes forever to go away. Those love handles, outer thigh fat just wouldn’t let go which makes it imperative to hit the gym and well, hit hard! Not just that, it is also of great significance that you don’t just stick to one workout routine and switch it up frequently to put the muscles under constant pressure.

To make most of your work outs, both at home and at the gym, make sure you add the following body toning exercises for females to tone those muscles up and bid a farewell to the unflattering fat:


  • Squats



Squats are one exercise which we hate to love. They are considered to be the one that help with building up the booty, but let me tell you, that’s not all it does. It also helps with building up your thigh muscles and also, works your core.

To make it twice as effective, add some metal to the movement. Adding weights will make it more challenging and hardcore but it’s definitely worth the effort. It is important that you start small, with lighter weights and slowly add up the kilos to build up the stamina.

If you’ve been doing squats for a long time, hop on YouTube and check how to do squats properly. There are Squat Thrusters, Power Squats, Squats Press and various other ones you can do and feel the burn, twice as much, without getting bored!


  • Burpees



Burpees are demonic to say the least. They’re tiring and get you sweaty in a matter of seconds. It is important to have burpees in your routine as they focus not just on one muscle group but on your whole body. They are effective and burn calories like no other.

If you hate cardio, like most people do, starting off your workout with 30 reps of burpees will get your blood pumping and heart racing. Since every exercise gets monotonous after a point, it is important to spice it up a little. You can totally go for Chest Burpees or even add a medicine ball to them as well. These changes might seem redundant but they will push your body a little harder and that too, in the right direction. There are several ways to do burpees, so you can choose the easiest way to practice them.


  • Pushups



Pushups are one of those exercises that hit all the right muscles. They focus on the upper body muscles while not just burning hell loads of calories but also building lean muscles. Pushups are an excellent exercise and they have several benefits.

To spice these up, you can try chest pushups as well as Spiderman pushups. You can always add dumbbells to the mix as well.


  • Running



Running is the most ancient yet effective way to get in shape. It helps with toning down not just your legs but instead, helps with shredding fat from head to toe. With that, it also builds up your stamina and strength. Who doesn’t want that?


  • Boxing



MMA is the rage of town and we’re all for it. Supermodels like Gigi Hadid and Ashley Graham use mixed martial arts to stay in the godly shape they’re in. It is a great full body workout which burns twice as many calories as running on treadmill does.

MMA helps with building strength and muscle endurance. It also makes you strong and gives you the confidence that you might be lacking. With its gaining popularity, MMA is being offered in numerous gyms around town and even in colleges. College MMA is a great way for students to break through from their packed schedules and de-stress while getting in shape.


  • Jumping Jacks


Jumping Jacks is another one of the exercises which are a total killer. They help with moving your body out of its normal plane of motion. By taxing the muscles in these ways, movement can become more explosive, gaining both strength and agility for sports that require multidirectional movement.

To further build up on this motion, you can totally add up weights to it and witness the magic.


  • Lunges



Lunges is another exercise which guarantees results. It works on many lower body muscles. There are numerous lunge variations and they’re all great! To increase the difficulty of a lunge, you can try adding weights to the movement or even go for walking lunges. Walking lunges incorporates more balance and stability to your abdominals which in turn burns twice as many calories. This movement helps with burning the stubborn fat around the butt and thighs.


  • Pull Ups



One of the toughest upper body exercises is pull-ups. It is considered one of the best movements to get in shape and build muscle. It takes time to adjust the movement but once you have adjusted to it, it is capable of doing wonders to your body.

An unassisted pull-up focuses on muscles your shoulders, arms, back and even the core.

Females, sometimes, shy away from weights because they tend to believe that they make them bulky. This, however, is a myth. The amount of testosterone the average female has running through her veins is not adequate for getting “bulky” from just lifting weights. What really gets you bulky is your diet alongside weight training.  Lifting heavy weights will give you the appearance of having a lean, toned strong body which is often termed as “skinny-thick”. Alongside a consistent workout regime, it is vital to keep track of the diet as well. The secret to getting a toned, body of your dreams is a proper workout combined with a proper diet which involves protein as well as greens.

It is important to stay healthy both mentally as well as physically. The best idea is to listen to your body and to not get succumbed into the pressures of the society to look a certain way. We all are built differently which is why, comparison is a major no-no.

Don’t forget to enjoy the process as you go!


  • qadeerzaeem

    This paragraph is most helpful for toning for females.
    1)The push up is a great muscle toning exercise for the arms, chest, triceps and the front of the shoulders.
    2)Squat exercises are great for a total lower body workout.
    3)Toning your thigh and bottom muscles.

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