Best Essential Oils for Hemorrhoids [Complete Guide 2024]

Best Essential Oils for Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are mainly caused by swelling and inflammation of veins inside the rectum. Discomfort in the gut and constant blending are the most common symptoms of Hemorrhoids. In fact, it is one of those awful conditions that everyone would want to avoid. But due to a bad diet or unhealthy lifestyle, some people become prone to developing Hemorrhoids.

Sitting the whole day in an uncomfortable chair, straining during bowel movements and digestive problems are the common reasons why people suffer from Hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are of two types: internal and external. Internal Hemorrhoids are formed inside the rectum and External Hemorrhoids near the opening of the anus.

Best Essential Oils for Hemorrhoids

Sometimes, internal Hemorrhoids can go unnoticed as they are situated in an area that is insensitive to pain. But the external Hemorrhoids are agonizingly painful. External Hemorrhoids can cause itching and bleeding. Hemorrhoids can be treated by using some all-natural essential oils. These oils contain anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents that are proven to provide instant relief.

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Best Essential Oils for Hemorrhoids.  

1) Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is an essential oil commonly used for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Along with its extensive usage in naturopathy as herbal medication, there are also numerous studies that have proven tree tea oil to be an effective antimicrobial agent against disease-causing germs. To get instant relief from hemorrhoids, apply it directly to the affected area.

A study published by the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy confirms that the tea tree oil consisting of Clone 88 have antimicrobial properties compared to the standard tea tree oil. So, keep this in mind before purchasing a bottle from a chemist shop or online. Usually, the manufacturer mentions it in the contents section.

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2) Frankincense oil

Frankincense oil is made from the resin that is obtained from a tree called Boswellia. Traditionally, it is used as an ingredient in making incense and perfumes. In some countries, it is also used as a medicinal herb to relieve pain and inflammation. Its popularity is increasing and it is now considered one of the best essential oils for hemorrhoids.

According to a Polish study,  the resin present in the Boswellia plant has an analgesic, tranquilizing and anti-bacterial effects in humans. They also confirmed that the extracts from Boswellia serrata and Boswellia carterii are the ones which are most effective in reducing inflammation. Hence, Frankincense oil is on my list of essential oils for hemorrhoids. Recommended Oil-

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3) Cypress oil

Cypress is a general name for several coniferous trees found in the northern hemisphere. Traditionally, the Cypress plant is used as a medicinal herb for reducing pain and inflammation. For hemorrhoids, it can be applied along with a carrier oil like Coconut oil or Olive oil. On its immediate application, some people might sense a burning sensation on their skin. So, along with carrier oil, it is safe and effective for treating hemorrhoids.

In an Egyptian study, researchers wanted to know more about the antimicrobial properties of Cypress oil. They concluded that the methanol extract present in  C. sempervirens strongly inhibited the growth of the bacteria used in the study. Cypress oil also has some antibiofilm properties. Therefore, it can fight against germs that get attached to the surface of the skin.

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4) Juniper oil

Juniper is tree belonging to the Cypress family. The berries grown on the Juniper trees are used as a medicine by ancient Eurasian people. It was used in medicine because of its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. The berries are steam distilled until it turns yellow or pale green.

Juniper oil should also be applied along with a carrier oil. This essential oil is effective in treating external hemorrhoids. So, It can be applied near the affected area with a sterilized cotton ball. After a few days of regular usage, you will notice a significant reduction in inflammation and bleeding in the anal area. Below is the most recommended brand for Juniper Oil-

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5) Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil is commonly used in treating cough and cold, inflammation in the throat, heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome, etc. The essential oil from peppermint plan can also be used as a painkiller for hemorrhoids. Keep in mind that, peppermint oil has a strong flavor and can cause a burning sensation on its application in a sensitive region such as anus. So, dilute it with some carrier oil or water.

Research done by Indian scientists suggests that Peppermint oil can be used as an effective treatment against hemorrhoids by providing a cooling effect in the affected area. It also concluded that Peppermint oil when mixed with tea tree and thyme oil can act as an effective intracanal antiseptic solution to treat internal hemorrhoids.

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These essential oils will help you deal with the pain and inflammation caused by Hemorrhoids. However, you should consult a doctor if the condition gets worse or home remedy doesn’t seem to work. There are many procedures to painlessly remove Hemorrhoids with the help of surgery. So, no reason to panic.

Moreover, once you get healthy you should look at ways you can prevent Hemorrhoids from coming back. To get started, add more fiber in your diet. Dietary fiber facilitates smooth bowel movement and prevents injuries and inflammation inside or outside the rectum.

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