Soap vs. Hand Sanitizer – Which One is Better for Disinfection

In the beginning, the pandemic brought us back to our homes and locked us up for a while. What was happening to the world a year ago was a new situation that the world had never encountered before. The pandemic simply showed us the way home and taught us to expect unexpected things. During the time we were all at home and bored, doctors around the world were researching a new type of virus that none of us had witnessed before. Research has begun on how it came to be, how it spreads, how it is transmitted, and how each person needs to be protected. The information they received was quickly spread around the world.

The first thing that was said was that it spreads by droplets, ie by small droplets that remain in space for a while and then fall to the ground. In order to protect everyone, it was recommended to reduce communication between people and contacts or if it is impossible to take place at a distance of at least 1.5 meters, with a mask on, with a visor and gloves. In order to get rid of the gloves, it was realized that they are not needed and that instead of having them on our hands, we can regularly wash or disinfect our hands with a disinfectant solution that contains alcohol. Upon learning of this information and the news that work on drugs and vaccines against this virus will begin, the slow return to normal began.


It all started with the return of employees to their jobs. New ways of working began to be applied. As part of the new ways of working, the shift work was mentioned, which required the managers to divide the employees into two groups and to go in shifts, one of which will work at a distance from the home, and the other will work from the offices. In addition, the disinfection of the premises was emphasized, especially on the hands, in order not to put any of the employees in an unwanted situation to be infected with the virus.

But there is still a dilemma – which is better, to disinfect your hands often or to wash your hands more often in order to make sure that we have not touched our hands in a contaminated area. This is the biggest dilemma that exists between people, and we are sure that it creates a feeling of confusion for you as well. That’s why we decided to do a little research and come up with answers that we are sure you have been looking for for a long time and are looking forward to finding out. The answers to these questions follow.


Soap or disinfectant – which of the two is better for disinfecting your hands and keeping them clean?

There is a dilemma that can not be removed from the agenda for a whole year, and that is the issue of hand disinfection. Even after a year, people are still not clear about which of these two means is better for hand disinfection, but the answers were given by the researchers. They say that soap is the best solution for hand disinfection, but that disinfectants are the best solution for the moments when you can not go to the toilet and wash your hands.

All you have to do is take some soap and lukewarm water, rub your hands with lukewarm water first, then apply the soap and rub your hands thoroughly for a minimum of 20 seconds and a maximum of 35 seconds.


This is the time prescribed for hand washing in order to get rid of all the viruses and impurities that have accumulated on the skin. Then wash them thoroughly with lukewarm water (not forgetting the part between the fingers and between the nails). If you are not able to apply this procedure, then you need to do the same but with a disinfectant.

Make sure it is of good quality and for disinfection (with alcohol or a small amount of disinfectant), not antibacterial (because they are only for dry hand washing without destroying viruses). Also, try to have such purposeful quality assets everywhere in the company in order for all employees to be protected, and if you are looking for where to get them, consider the offer of who have great solutions and are leaders in their quality. at the moment on the market. Take these measures in a timely manner and protect the health of all members of your corporation.

What are the pros and cons of both assets?


We are sure that you have ever wondered what are the effects of these funds, what are their positive and what are their negative effects. You do not need to think anymore because we bring them to you in continuation.



1. It performs the task of disinfection better – if we have to choose one of these two means, then definitely better in performing its task is the soap that thoroughly removes all unwanted things that are glued to the skin of the hands.
2. It is cheaper and lasts longer – if price plays a role, then this is the cheapest way to help protect yourself from the virus. Quantitatively, it contains more, which gives more durability to the finished product, ie it has more to spend than the other choice.
3. There are also natural soaps – for those who are against the chemicals contained in the soaps, there are natural alternatives that we are sure they will like, but be careful in their use because it is often said that they are not so effective.



1. Frequent washing leads to drying of the skin on the hands – frequent application of soap and water on the hands can lead to drying of the skin on the hands, which opens a new problem.
2. Frequent hand washing can lead to sores – in addition to drying the skin, it can also easily lead to sores on the hands that are caused by frequent handwashing with soap and water.
3. In order for the skin to be soft, it is necessary to use creams – in order for the skin to be in order, it is necessary to use additional creams that will hydrate the skin and help it regain its radiance.



1. Disinfection in seconds – these products are primarily based on strong chemical additives that help the skin to cleanse in a short time from all the unwanted things that it came in contact with during the day.
2. They are easily portable – in addition to offering quick and easy disinfection, these products are practical because they are often found in packaging that can be easily placed in the pocket and carried anywhere.
3. You can use them anywhere – the third mitigating circumstance is that you can use these tools whenever you need them. Literally, every time you want to protect yourself, apply a little of the product and rub to cleanse yourself.



1. They dry the skin faster even than soaps – the bad thing about these products is that they dry the skin the same way they dry the soaps, but with greater intensity and faster.
2. They make sores faster than soaps – the other thing that is also bad about this product is that it makes sores faster than soaps, and it’s the fault of the chemicals that are stronger than those in soaps.
3. Leaves consequences on the skin – the consequences of using these products are not felt now, but if we use them regularly and too often the consequences will be visible in the near future.

What is the conclusion?

The conclusion is strong and clear, and that is that it is necessary to strike a balance between the use of the two means in the workplace, not to overdo their use, and to regularly nurture your hands in order for them to be both clean and prevent their destruction. Stay safe and disinfect yourself regularly while at work.

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