Breastfeeding: 7 Top Myths And Realities

Preparing to become a mother, almost all women look for some information in books, guides for young parents, or surf the Internet. It is a normal desire to learn more about feeding and caring for a newborn baby. Everybody tries to find as much information as possible before the birth of a child to be fully prepared for any kind of situation. But the point is that it is impossible to be prepared for everything. What’s more, you may encounter false information or rumors from people that really have nothing to do with real life. So let’s debunk these myths about breastfeeding.

The most common myths about breastfeeding and are they true?


1. Breastfeeding is a complex process that takes a lot of strength and energy

Many women complain that breastfeeding takes a long time. Of course, it does, but everything is known in comparison. Take the example of feeding baby formula. You need to go through several stages to feed your baby, as you buy bottles and nipples, sterilize all items, prepare the mixture and still warm it to the right temperature. Moreover, there are cases when it becomes even more demanding, such as when you need to feed a child at night, or water supplies have run out. Agree that breastfeeding in this case becomes much more convenient.

2. If the baby tries the infant formula, he or she will not return to breast milk

Of course, there are such cases, but it does not have to happen because all children are individual. Children easily adapt to the new, so they can easily switch between breast milk and formula. It is even possible to combine these two methods of feeding. If the baby has a good appetite and needs more food, or the mother sometimes wants to take a break from breastfeeding, baby formula can be a helper and be an additional snack for the baby. Even when alternating breast milk and formula, the baby will still want to eat each of them. Moreover, the extra variety is sometimes useful.

3. Moms cannot take any medication while breastfeeding


This is false information because there are currently many medicines that are suitable for breastfeeding women. Of course, strong medications can negatively affect your immune system, which will stop resisting viruses and thus have the potential to harm your baby. You can find reliable information on the instructions for each medication in the contraindications section as well as you should consult on each issue with a doctor and make sure the medication is safe for you and your baby. Of course, during breastfeeding, you are doubly responsible for yourself and your baby, so additional caution in treatment will not be superfluous.

4. Nursing mothers cannot eat all the foods they love

Of course, nursing mothers should follow a healthy lifestyle, like all other people. This will give you more energy and strength for feeding and will keep you in shape, have good humor, and have a healthy body. You need to limit yourself to spicy, fried, and too salty foods, and of course alcohol. But that doesn’t mean you have to forget about your favorite foods. Because the baby is used to your food while being still in the womb. Therefore, the products familiar to him or her do not become news and irritate and will not cause a negative reaction.

5. Breastfeeding will be impossible if the mother has had plastic surgery

Mothers who have had breast plastic surgery will definitely be able to breastfeed their babies. It is important to understand that when installing an implant, the glands responsible for producing milk are not affected. At the moment, all surgeries are performed with extreme caution so as not to damage any maternal function. The main thing is to choose a professional doctor who will do everything right, and in the future, you will enjoy yourself and the child will enjoy the process of eating.

6. Breast milk is no different from the formula


This is not true. Despite the fact that there are a variety of wonderful formulas on the market that suit different children’s characteristics, breast milk is created individually for your baby. Not only is it best for your baby, but it’s full of antibodies, hormones, and antivirals, which unfortunately can’t be added to baby formula. There are cases when mothers do not have the opportunity to breastfeed, then of course the baby formula will be a good option for her. A variety of formulas can be explored on, where, in addition, you can read the comments and choose the best option for your child.

7. Women think that when a baby cries, the breasts do not produce enough milk

This is not true, because crying can be a sign of anything. This is the only way a child can express his desires or needs. The reason may be the cold, or the heat in the room, the need to change diapers, the desire to roll over, or just the desire to be held. You should not panic ahead of time, but it is better to guess what the child needs at the moment. And due to the fact that the baby will not have enough of your breast milk, you do not need to worry. Remember that the mother’s body is fully adapted to the needs of the child, so breast milk will be just as much as the baby needs.

Why it is important not to trust all the facts about breastfeeding?


In fact, you can find many facts from the stories of mothers, which in turn become a fear for the newcomers. Of course, some of them may be true, but do not forget about the fact that each child is individual, with its own needs and preferences. The most important thing is to observe your child and its well-being and lifestyle, and there will be no reason to worry. The process of breastfeeding a child should definitely bring only the best emotions, as it is very intimate. Fearing that something will go wrong, emotions will change to negative, so watch yourself and your child, consult with your doctor at the expense of any concerns and everything will be fine.

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