7 Tips for Improving Your Self Image and Confidence

mental health in workplace

A positive self-image is important to success and happiness in life. It is important to have confidence in yourself, and that starts internally. It is one thing to know that everyone has flaws and to accept the ones that you have. You have to accept your worth and develop self-respect. However, sometimes the way we perceive our own selves stand in the way of our ability to build strong self-confidence. Little things that we can change can mean the difference between low self-esteem and a positive view of oneself. You are not the only one who has a few areas they wish they could change, but many things you are unhappy with are actually fixable. Here are 7 tips to help you improve your self-image and confidence. Skin treatments can help with your facial concerns. With all of the products on the market today, whatever your skin may need that is causing you to feel insecure probably has a solution if you just keep looking. Skin care treatments that focus on clearing up acne, rosacea, eczema, and dry or oily skin are all over the market. Find the one that works for you and don’t look back. Exercise just plain […]

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What You Should Do if You Think Your Child Has Suffered a Concussion

When people think of concussions, they usually imagine a sports setting, but there are various situations that could lead to concussions outside of sports. A child can trip and fall while playing on a playground or around the house, suffer a concussion after a minor or major car collision, or simply by bumping themselves on a cabinet door. In some cases, the consequences are minor and won’t require medical treatment, but in other cases, a concussion may have occurred which will demand immediate care to prevent complications. Here’s what you should do if you think your child may have suffered a concussion. Look for the Signs Doctors will look at a variety of signs to see if a child may be showing concussion symptoms. Some of the symptoms of a concussion include worsening nausea, persistent confusion, violent headaches and vomiting, loss of vision, weakness in some parts of the body, slurred speech or inability to speak, amnesia or seizures. If your child exhibits any of these symptoms, then you should seek emergency care immediately and possibly have a CT scan performed. However, the average urgent care facility might not have a CT scan machine and emergency rooms can be overcrowded, […]

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3 Ways Technology Is Making Us Healthier Than Ever Before

The world we are living in is changing rapidly, seemingly on a day to day basis. Ever-advancing technology is changing every aspect of our lives, from how we shop to how we work and play, but whilst it can sometimes bring challenges, it certainly brings lots of advantages too. One field in which it’s certainly brought positive results is in perhaps the most important area of them all, our health and fitness. Here are just three of the ways that technological innovation is making us healthier than ever before. Health and Fitness Apps It’s not that long ago that mobile phones were simply for calling your friends or maybe sending a text message, but it seems like a different world. Our smartphones are now powerful computers in their own right, and the app revolution means that they can carry out an astonishing array of tasks. There are a myriad of health and fitness apps available for Apple and Android devices, and they turn your phone or tablet into a convenient personal trainer. They not only keep track of statistics such as steps taken, and calories burned, they can suggest daily fitness regimes based upon past performance. This provides the motivation […]

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How to Cope When Your Work Out and Exercising Routine Becomes a Chore

tired exercising man

If you’ve recently found that you aren’t enjoying working out or exercising, as you have been used to doing so, it might just be time to take another approach and look at changing something in your lifestyle. Many men find that they go through phases in life whereby maintaining their fitness becomes more of a chore, rather than something they look forward to doing. However, as soon as you start to feel such issues arising, it pays to begin looking into ways of making a few changes as soon as you can, before further problems take hold. If you’re experiencing a bit of a slump at the moment, here are two simple ways to help you work through this and combat those negative feelings. Take Time Out to Address Your Current Overall Lifestyle Quite often, it’s not the actual work out or exercise routine that is the problem, but instead an underlying issue. Before you jump to any assumptions that your current methods and routines aren’t working for you, think about how your life is at this present moment in time. Is there a family issue you’re having to deal with or pressures at work which are making you anxious? […]

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Side Effects Of Marijuana on the Health and Brain

Marijuana is among the most popular drugs out there, but what are some of the side effects it has on your health and brain? At this point in your life, you are most likely familiar with the effects of marijuana, and you know how popular it is among many drug addicts today – in fact, its popularity is set to increase due to its prevalence in pop culture and perceptions that surround it. Marijuana is a combination of several things – shredded flowers, stems and leaves of the Cannabis sativa plant, and it can be consumed through brewing, smoking, eating, topical application, and vaporizing, although most people prefer to smoke the substance. In addition, even though there is a perception that marijuana is not addictive, it still is. The main active ingredient is THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), and this ingredient is increasing with every new strain of the Cannabis plant that is being cultivated. In fact. The average THC content was only 1 percent in the 1970s, to 4 percent in the 1990s, to almost 15 percent in 2010. Today, strains of the dug contain THC levels of at least 30 percent, and the increased potency makes it difficult to correctly know […]

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