8 Best Foods for Healthy Teeth and Gums

We all have heard of the line, “we are what we eat.” Proper diet is something we cannot avoid. People start keeping a check on their diet mostly when they want to loose their weight. What they forget to notice is that, food they intake equally impact their oral health. Brushing and flossing are important for the teeth but they are not enough to properly look after their oral health. Maintaining the health of the gums is a more difficult task. Many times, when the patient visits the dentist and the problem is still not severe, the dentist suggests the patient to change their diet and eat food that would give the oral health a boost. Having proper nutritional food is an essential factor in promoting good health. People who consume sticky products like candies and items containing starch report more dental issues as compared to people who follow a proper healthy diet. Eating more green food items and avoiding carbonated drinks are the key to ensure that the teeth and gums stay strong for a longer period of time, after all taking precautions is better than going through the treatments after the damage has been done. The orthodontist near […]

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The process of Fat Removal without Surgery – Gives Long Lasting Results

When you want to go for weight loss – there are some unique ways and methods. Cool sculpting is one such way that can bring in permanent effects on your fat cells. If you continue to take care of your diet and proper exercises, you will never get back the fatty deposits that you remove through this method. There are some areas on your body that receives a faster deposit of fats. These are the abdomen area, love handles, thighs and buttocks. You can get these deposits removed with the help of the fat freezing method. When your body does not find ways to burn the stubborn fats, the fat freezing process lends a hand without using any surgery. Method of freezing fat deposits You will find this process is used in specialized clinics and experts or physicians who are trained in this process are present to do the needful. The fat is frozen, and then it slowly disappears from the area. The targeted area of fat deposits is taken one at a time, and then the freezing procedure is started. You cannot get the whole body frozen and cleared off the fat deposits at a time with the coolsculpting San […]

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How to Stay Healthy During Exam Period?

exam, book, study, glasses. coffee

Being educated can get you ahead in life and make your future more comfortable and simple for you, but in order to reap the fruits of the hard work you put into your education, you need to stay healthy. Studying for your exams usually means sleepless nights, exhaustion and often isolation from others, so knowing how to maintain your good health through this period is essential. Here are some tips for those hard-working students. Don’t skip meals When you have to study, and you’re on a tight schedule, you can sometimes get so caught up in your work, that you forget to tend to your basic needs, such as eating. This is why it’s essential for you to be aware of your dietary requirements during the exam period. Do your best to keep your diet healthy, meaning that you should eat fresh fruit and vegetables as much as possible, as well as lean protein and whole-grain bread or cereals. Also, you should drink about seven or eight glasses of water a day. This type of diet should provide you with the necessary nutrients to keep your mind sharp and your body strong while dealing with your exams. Get enough sleep […]

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Different Types Of Ankle-Foot Orthosis And Their Respective Uses

If you have been having foot troubles lately and you can’t seem to understand why it is always in constant pain, then you might be suffering from “drop foot.” This disorder is basically characterized by the inability of a person to raise their foot at the ankle joint. Drop foot makes the simple act of walking very difficult because the toes tend to drag on the ground which makes a person easy to trip. Some people try to compensate by using their hips to lift their foot off the ground or sometimes, they would swing their legs outwardly ending with the foot clearing off the ground. These methods are called “steppage gait” and “circumduction”, respectively. The problem with drop foot, however, isn’t just the constant pain a person experiences but rather the underlying problems behind it. Drop foot can oftentimes be an indication of other health problems. In fact, chronic foot pains can even be caused by diabetes and when left untreated can further damage the nerves in your feet. Other conditions that may cause foot drop would include multiple sclerosis, stroke, sciatica, and spinal cord injury. Drop foot can either be unilateral (one foot) or bilateral (both feet) and […]

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5 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight

Do you ever experience a bittersweet moment when you see a friend transform from fat to fit? You feel happy for them and at the same time; you feel sad about your own self. It’s not like you aren’t trying hard enough. You have changed your diet for good, and you are a regular gym goer. Why is it that they can see drastic results in weeks when you can barely lose a pound in months? In fitness terms, this is called a plateau. Some people hit the plateau after a few months of working out and some might find themselves struggling right at the start.   If this situation sounds familiar, there’s nothing to worry about. It is completely normal. There is nothing wrong with you or your scale; there is a lot you can do to take control of the situation. However, it all starts with knowing why you are in this situation in the first place. Let’s start with five of the most common reasons you are not losing weight. 1.      You Are Not Eating Enough There is always a chance that you are eating too much or too less. Either way, your progress will suffer. When […]

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