Hair-Pulling Disorder – Symptoms and How to Treat it

Trichotillomania or hair pulling disorder is additionally known as a hair-pulling disorder. Hair pulling is a psychological issue, which includes recurrent, compelling desires to pull hair from the eyebrows, scalp, eyelids, and different regions of the body, in spite of repeated attempts to stop or diminish hair pulling. Hair pulling can result in partial and complete removal of the eyelashes and eyebrows. Additionally, hair pulling from the scalp can bring about differing degrees of patches of hair loss. The subsequent hair fall and hair pulling results in trouble for the individual, further it may interfere with occupational and social working. For a few people, the signs of trichotillomania are reasonable, yet for other people, the symptoms can be totally overpowering. What are the symptoms of hair pulling disorder or Trichotillomania? The essential feature of hair pulling disorder or trichotillomania is repetitive pulling of an individual’s own hair. Hair pulling or Trichotillomania can happen in any area of the body in which hair develops. The most widely recognized locales incorporate the eyebrows, scalp, and eyelids. Less normal regions incorporate peri-rectal, facial, and pubic regions. Different symptoms can incorporate the accompanying noticeable hair loss, hair pulling causes weakness in occupational and social […]
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