Dry Eye Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes and Prevention

Overview When there is a lack of enough lubrication and moisture on the surface of the eyes, dry eyes syndrome is caused. In simple words, dry eye syndrome occurs when the eyes don’t make sufficient tears, or when the tears evaporate too quickly, which often leads to the eyes drying out and becoming red and swollen. Recently, the dry eye syndrome is widely prevalent among all age groups. In America alone, more than 26 million people suffer from dry eyes, and this number is likely to increase in the coming years. The dry eyes syndrome is likely to affect twice as many women as men. It is more common with older age as when we age, we tend to produce fewer tears. Dry eye syndrome can also affect animals. It can affect one or both the eyes. Symptoms Before discussing the various causes and preventive measures of dry eye syndrome, let us delve into the symptoms of this syndrome. Gaining a better understanding of its symptoms will help us in employing the correct preventive measures. Below mentioned are some of the most common symptoms of dry eye syndrome: Redness and irritation in the eyes Burning sensation and soreness in […]
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