Treatment For Female Hair Loss

Hair loss (which is also called alopecia) is quite rampant among females these days. Old as well as teenage females face hair loss problem because of several reasons, such as hormonal imbalance, malnutrition, medical and psychological issues (Thyroid gland diseases of an endocrine nature, Gastrointestinal diseases, oncological neoplasms, excessive stress, tension), using low-quality Hair Products, lack of hair care, Genetics, Aging, pollution, etc. If you are not serious about this problem, it leads to partial or complete baldness in short or long term.

Female Hair Loss treatment

Are you looking for easy and effective ways to tackle it as soon as possible?

If yes, just be calm and composed and try the below-mentioned tips:

  1. Lead A Healthy And Stress-free Life

Unhealthy lifestyle choices always affect the wellbeing of your hair. Several studies have proved time and again that bad lifestyle choices damage your hair little by little. Tooth infection, use of low-quality hair products, lack of sun exposure to your hairs, living in polluted areas, hypertension and prolonged stress, smoking, sleep deprivation, harsh salon treatments, eating junk foods regularly, have a negative impact on the growth of your hairs. Look at some good lifestyle habits that can help to keep your hairs healthy and fine:

Bad lifestyle Good Lifestyle Benefits
Insufficient sleeping Take at least 6-8 sleep every day. Adopt Early to Bed and Early to rise formula in your life Your health remains good at all the times
Smoking Leave Smoking as soon as Possible Fewer chances of health-related problems
Consumption of Junk food at regular intervals Eat home-made meal as far as you can. Include green vegetables, meat, chicken, eggs, etc. Your health remains good and hairs grow sharply
Use of low-quality hair care products Seek recommendations from expert hairdressers and use only quality hair products Healthy hair
  1. Use Domestic Methods To Stop Hair Loss

There are many females who can’t afford to buy expensive hair care products due to financial problems. Does it mean that they should stop caring about the hair Loss? No, not at all. They can use some tips how you can deal with hair loss problem. See some of them which are mentioned below:

Hair Loss problem Culprits Domestic solution
Scaling of the scalp Shampoo, conditioner and styling products can accumulate on the scalp and hair, which turns into scales Use a good-quality shampoo
Dandruff Stress, malnutrition and hormonal failures can lead to bacterial imbalance on the surface of the scalp. This increases skin flaking and sebum production, which turns into Dandruff. Use Antifungal or antimicrobial shampoo to cure this problem. Consult a pharmacist/ dermatologist if the problem is serious.
Greasy hair Excessive activities of the sebaceous glands because of using strong hair care products, washing hair with very hot water, frequent scalp massage, unfair combing of hair, etc. Switch to a softer shampoo and keep the massage to a minimum. Comb your hair, not the skin
Weak/dull hair with split ends Too long hair Cut the ends of the hair every six to eight weeks. Talk to your hair-stylist about the optimal length of your hairs.
Broken Hair Dehydration of your hairs in hot climate Use moisturizing shampoo and conditioner regularly.
Quick loss

of hair

Pregnancy, hereditary predispositions and ending with stress and health problems, disorders of the thyroid gland. Consult a doctor as soon as possible
  1. Use Hair Care Products In Consultation With Expert Hair Dressers

A good number of hair care products are available in the market. All of them are manufactured by different brands. So, they don’t suit the needs of all individuals. There are many individuals who try different hair care products irregularly, which damage their hair badly. Don’t do that at all. Just consult your hairdresser, seek his/her permission, and use only those hair care products which helps you to keep your healthy and shiny.

See some common hair care tips:
  • Wash your hairs daily. Use a good quality shampoo at least once in a week.
  • After taking the bath, use a towel to dry your hairs. Avoid the use of hair blowers as far as you can.
  • Apply a good-quality hair oil regularly to your hairs and massage it gently.
  • When you move out of your house/office, cover your head with a cap. It will protect the hair from extensive heat, dust, and other harmful particles.
  • If your hairs have turned white then you should use Hair Color Products. Excess use of those products can cause a significant damage to your hair in the long run and you can face health problems too.


  1. Go For Hair Transplantation As The Last Option

On several occasions, despite taking several precautions and using hair care products, you miserably fail to check the female hair loss problem. In some cases, hair falling is so fast that you reach partial or full baldness in a short time span. This is a very disappointing situation for females as it disfigures their overall look.

You can go for hair transplantation without having any second thought. In this process, surgeons and expert physicians plant fresh hairs to the blank area of your hairs and help you have a smart and appealing look. Hair Transplant Surgery should be done only by expert doctors to avoid medial hazards.

Final Words:

9 out of 10 females are facing different hair loss problems. By following the above-mentioned tips, they can easily deal with it and maintain the wellbeing of their hairs.

Author Bio:

Sheetal Goswami is Working as Blogger for Tricity Institute Of Plastic Surgery. A famous Institute for plastic surgery and hair transplant in Chandigarh. She has been blogging for several years about the fusion of Medical Science. She is a voracious follower of medical achievements and loves to share all about it.

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