7 Home Remedies for Plantar Fasciitis

If you are experiencing pain in any or both of your heels then that could be plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is a popular condition that causes pain in the plantar fascia tissue on the feet. Inflammations develop under the foot which causes pain. This foot condition is common among athletes, people who are overweight and arches.

Your foot will take a maximum of 12 months for it recover if attacked. A doctor will try to determine the cause of pain if you visit one, then later offer the appropriate medication for healing. However, there are a number of home remedies to give relief for the same. These remedies include knight splints, comfortable shoes, using lavender essential oils, orthotics, foot massagers, ice pack and frequent replacement of old shoes.

Home remedies for plantar fasciitis

  • Putting on supportive and comfortable shoes

If you are suffering from this foot condition, it’s advisable to put on comfortable shoes with a low heel. Practice this especially if you are going to stand for long. Such shoes are those which will give an adequate boost to the arches. Having reliable support will help to protect the plantar fascia from getting inflammations. Your feet become free from this common condition once you stop the tenderness. Putting on supportive and comfortable shoes makes the feet to relax even under pressure. If you are suffering from plantar fasciitis click here to learn more about how to choose the best type of footwear that can help you get rid of this problem.

  • Use a night splint

This is a device for relieving pain for a person suffering from plantar fasciitis. It is usually worn during bedtime. Its importance is stretching the plantar fascia tissue while you rest at night. It’s also meant to reduce the stress levels in the foot areas with inflammations. However, one should not misuse its purpose by using it during the day. This is because the devices can’t give enough support that you will require then. During the day, you may engage in lots of activities that the device might not support your feet well.  These devices are the best suit for persons suffering from plantar fasciitis for more than six months. The splints are available in a variety of models i.e. soft and hard.

plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis

  • Use lavender essential oil

Lavender essential oil has anti-inflammatory properties that relieve inflammatory pains. You can message the oil in the affected area after diluting it with coconut or olive oil. You can also drop the oil in warm water for washing your foot. Foot inflammations are often due to constant straining and pressure. Your foot will slowly heal once the inflammation subsides.

  • Using orthotics

Another home remedy to relieve plantar fasciitis is using orthotic shoe inserts. These inserts will help to balance your weight more so if you got high arches. The pain from the inflammations reduces once your weight has an uneven distribution. Your foot will get back to its normal condition after using the foot pads for a few months. Most of the time your feet are always under pressure and strain when one stands for long. It’s recommendable that you provide support for your feet in such instances. This will help to deal the plantar fasciitis pain leading to healing

  • Replacing your old athletic shoes

Your shoes will eventually get worn out as a result of regular use. It is therefore important that you replace them if you notice the following;

o    You are wearing them on the outer soles

o    Blisters are developing on your feet each time you use them

o    the inner side of your shoe is worn out

o    You feel that your heels are stretching out

o    You are experiencing pain in your back feet and legs

It is thus advisable to replace your shoes after covering an average of 400 miles if you are an athlete. For normal shoe use, it’s prudent to replace them after every 6 months. However, your usage should determine how often you replace the shoes. Do not get into the habit of stretching your shoes beyond limits. This makes you prone to plantar fasciitis attacks. How to keep off such is simple if you take into consideration the above. You can opt to get several pairs of shoes to avoid overusing a single pair. This will also reduce the amount of pressure you inflict on a single pair increasing its lifespan.

  • Massage using the foot massager

You can also opt using foot massagers for plantar fasciitis to help soothe the pain in your feet. Massagers are meant for relieving pain and rejuvenation the feet. This relief is not only for the feet but works for the entire body. The emotions that accompany rubbing and vibrations provide soothing and tension relief from the foot. The massage machine facilitates healing and relaxation to the feet. Using the massager also promotes blood circulation thus speeding up the plantar fasciitis healing. The foot massage is a great alternative to massaging by a qualified therapist.

  • Applying ice

Using an ice pack is a meant to effective relief from inflammations. How do you use the ice? Simply cover them with a towel or piece of clothing and hold onto the inflamed area. Repeat this for 3 times daily with each application taking between 15-20 minutes. Another alternative is to roll the dice beneath your feet for the same duration. Practice this for overtime until the pains is gone with healing taking place. This process proper care for your feet and patience throughout the healing process.


Plantar fasciitis can be very painful and uncomfortable for anyone affected by it. Depending on your approach the pain can be so easy to deal with using home remedies. Simple home remedies such as an ice pack and using foot massagers among others act as a quick relief to plantar fasciitis. The main purpose of this application is soothing the pain while promoting quick healing. It takes about 6 to 12 months for the plantar fasciitis effect to completely heal.

These remedies are an alternative to visiting a doctor for plantar fasciitis relief. People who stand on the feet for long are prone to this foot condition including the athletes. However, this is not mean that one shouldn’t consult a doctor if the pain persists.

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