Why Body Positivity Matters ─ 11 Ways on How to Love Your Body

Do you know that according to research, up to 84% of American women will eventually feel dissatisfied with their bodies?

It is not a surprise if you don’t love your body, or you may dislike how it appears. We understand that learning to love your body is challenging when you genuinely don’t. Moreover, it’s not always as straightforward as the positive body image push might lead you to believe.

You will need time and deliberate effort to go from “I don’t look good, and I hate my appearance” to something more positive.

Here is everything you need to know about body positivity!

Why Should You Love Your Body?

Source: popsugar.com

One of the most challenging things you must do is love your body and yourself. Pointing out flaws in your physical characteristics and dwelling on the bad is simple. But since this is the only body you ever had, one of the most incredible things you can do for yourself is learn to appreciate it.

There are four good reasons to love your body!

1. You can do incredible things with it

Your bodies enable you to move about, look into the world, investigate, and lead fulfilling lives. Consider all the incredible things your body will allow you to do regularly!

2. It is special

You are unique because no one else has a body like yours! Moreover, you only get a short period to live on this planet. It is a waste of time to live your life regretting who you are and obsessing about how you appear.

3. A perfect body does not exist

The concept of the “ideal body” varies from one person to another. Some people think your body is the ideal body!

4. Your Health Is More Important

More important than an attractive physique is one that is happy and healthy. Additionally, it is beneficial for your mental health to accept your appearance. A life coach can help you shift your focus from appearance-based goals to health-based goals. This means that you will be encouraged to focus on how your body feels, rather than how it looks. The coach can help you set realistic health goals and work towards achieving them.

11 Ways How To Love Your Body

Source: inc.com

1. Meditation

Meditation is a lovely method to find your heart and put self-loving thoughts into it. You can always practice meditation if your ideas are flying and your life is stressful. Everyone can do it anywhere. You must locate a calm, cozy area, close your eyes, and breathe. Focus your thoughts on all the good in your life.

2. Read Books

Finding a book or books! That connection to you is a crucial component of mental well-being and self-love. Visit a bookstore and get lost in the self-love section. See what grabs your attention as you browse the self-love book section.

3. Mirror work

You probably see yourself in the mirror each day. The sharp mental dialogue you hear might make this experience very unpleasant for many people. Don’t take such statements to heart. Alternatively, tell yourself, “I love you,” while you face yourself in the mirror. Do it despite your ridiculous feelings!

Self-talk is effective. You can also stick a couple notes with uplifting, supportive messages on your mirror.

Your connection with yourself will improve if you start each day with a compassionate note for your body and yourself.

4. Gratitude

Source: daysoftheyear.com

One of the best habits to increase your sense of self-love is to incorporate thankfulness into your daily routines. And to get started, all you need is a journal.

Note down three main things for which you are thankful every morning and every evening before you go to bed. It’s a lovely way to celebrate your life and yourself. This is the best situation to praise your body!

5. Get creative with your body

“You can experience your body in a new way when you push your body to perform an unfamiliar task outside your comfort zone. You come to understand its potential.

Experimenting with various forms of exercise, dancing, learning about intuitive food, or participating in a sensual picture shoot will increase your self-love.

6. Battle Fatphobia

How do you feel about being overweight?

You are experiencing fatphobia if you have intense anxiety about being fat or think there is something terrible with being obese. The dread or loathing of fatness is known as fatphobia. It’s comparable to homophobia (the fear or hatred of gay people), except that obese people are the subject.

What’s amiss with being overweight, you could ask? Undoubtedly, there is a direct correlation between being overweight and numerous severe health issues, but stress can also lead to different health problems. However, people don’t typically react to the thought of being stressed as strongly as they do to the thought of being overweight. Additionally, unlike obese persons, stressed-out people are not treated poorly by their doctors or are subject to workplace discrimination. All of that is the result of fatphobia.

It’s time to begin overcoming your phobia of being obese. This entails embracing your weight, empowering your big pals, and standing up to your classmates’ anti-fat remarks.

7. Improve the way you speak to yourself

Source: huffpost.com

No matter how many times someone assures you that your body is ideal just as it is, you won’t accept that unless you try. Therefore, stop criticizing your body in front of yourself or others.

You won’t become healthier, slimmer, better, or learn to love your body by whining about it. Disrespecting your body makes it more challenging to take good care of yourself. Give yourself a recall whenever a wrong thought enters your thoughts.

Don’t, at the very least, give the strength of the thought by speaking them aloud. Never give away your body to another person.

8. Compliment people

Have you ever observed that you tend to criticize other people’s bodies when you are the most self-conscious about your own? Yes, we all do.

So, You should deliberately look for positive traits in others and give them compliments. It’s not necessary to compliment them on how they look. To remind other ladies (random people) that “I’m on your team,” I frequently try to smile at them.

I believe we are especially critical of the aspects of ourselves that cause us the most self-consciousness. So take note if you find yourself criticizing someone else’s appearance often. It’s a hint to consider how you feel about your body.

9. Think twice about who you spend time with

Source: kingscollege.qld.edu.au

You know those buddies who talk nonstop about other people, their weight gain or loss, or who gripe nonstop about their lives? Review how you spend your time together. You’ll both benefit from getting together in a group environment to end the cycle of body shaming.

10. Seek assistance

Self-love is requesting support. You’ll be shocked to learn that most people want to support you while you’re struggling. Having the company you need is one of the effective methods to get through a difficult moment, even though it can be challenging to be open and ask for assistance.

To not feel okay is acceptable. You don’t have to experience it alone; that’s the key. A present you can give to yourself is asking for the assistance you require.

11. Dress your body with love

Sometimes when you’re self-conscious about your body, you unconsciously or intentionally wear clothing designed to hide as much of the “problem areas” of your body as possible or draw the least amount of notice. This reinforces negative body image and shame.

Dress your body as though it were a work of art. Be thoughtful, alert, and expressive. Indulge yourself in a shopping trip if you have the money to do so, and invest in some outfits that flatter your figure. When we wear our bodies purposefully, we give them the respect and love they deserve. You convey to yourself and others that this is an adored body.


Remember that the idea of loving oneself has several facets. Your relationship with yourself needs care, tolerance, and love, just like any other relationship in your life. These are only a few ways you can practice loving yourself. Discover what makes you feel joyful and healthy in your mind, body, and spirit by exploring various self-care practices.

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