Does Dental Cleaning Damage Teeth?

Many people ask this question, “why should they get dental cleaning when they brush, floss, rinse and clean their tongue regularly?” Well, they should know that oral care alone never guarantees healthy and disease-free teeth and gums. There are other factors as well that can harm dental health at any stage of life. Our lifestyle choices, the foods we eat, the oral etiquette we avoid etc. are some of other factors that can harm our dental health. More importantly, we alone can never judge whether our oral health is good or bad, as only dentists are just judge to that. No matter how much you examine your teeth, you can only see the front teeth or front surface which may look whiteish and that does not mean the teeth are healthy and disease-free. Plus, there will be plaque building up on the back side of the teeth which may remain invisible to us. So, even without our knowledge, there may be a layer of plaque and bacteria growing up on our teeth and gum lines which can cause problem if not removed in a timely manner. And only the dentist Greenpoint can see the teeth minutely, spot signs of trouble, […]
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