Does Dental Cleaning Damage Teeth?


Many people ask this question, “why should they get dental cleaning when they brush, floss, rinse and clean their tongue regularly?” Well, they should know that oral care alone never guarantees healthy and disease-free teeth and gums. There are other factors as well that can harm dental health at any stage of life. Our lifestyle choices, the foods we eat, the oral etiquette we avoid etc. are some of other factors that can harm our dental health. More importantly, we alone can never judge whether our oral health is good or bad, as only dentists are just judge to that. No matter how much you examine your teeth, you can only see the front teeth or front surface which may look whiteish and that does not mean the teeth are healthy and disease-free. Plus, there will be plaque building up on the back side of the teeth which may remain invisible to us. So, even without our knowledge, there may be a layer of plaque and bacteria growing up on our teeth and gum lines which can cause problem if not removed in a timely manner. And only the dentist Greenpoint can see the teeth minutely, spot signs of trouble, […]

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When Doctors Make Mistakes: What Are Your Rights If a Surgery Leaves You with a Disability?

Fighting Malpractice: 3 Ways to Prove the Medical Treatment You Received Was Subpar

If you’re injured during a surgery or other medical procedure, can you file a claim against the hospital for medical malpractice or negligence? Though medical facilities are typically responsible for improper care provided by nurses and technicians, they’re often not liable for a doctor’s malpractice. Here, you’ll learn when hospitals are (and aren’t) responsible for errors committed by doctors, anesthesiologists, and other medical providers. The Hospital is Liable for Its Employees’ Actions If someone is employed by the hospital, that facility is responsible if the employee causes harm through incompetence. However, not every accident or mistake happening in a hospital constitutes negligence. Typically, medical technicians, nurses, and other support staff are considered hospital employees. As long as the injury occurred during the course of the employee’s normal duties, you can sue for your damages. If a doctor’s mistake injures you, though, you can’t sue the hospital unless the doctor is classified as an employee. Furthermore, if an employee commits medical malpractice under the doctor’s supervision, you can sue the doctor, but not the hospital. An employee’s supervision depends on these factors: Whether the physician was in the room, and Whether the doctor could prevent the negligent act For instance, a […]

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Treatments And Services Offered By Dental Specialists

We all know that dental issues always need preservation, repairing as well as a replacement so that one can enjoy a better life. Dental specialists see this fact and thus provide the best possible dental care as well as services. In many cases, they perform the essential treatment in their offices to restore the life of teeth. They also make sure that the procedure is shown in the best possible way and teeth are repaired efficiently. They also make sure that kids or patients feel comfortable as well as stable both throughout and after the entire dental treatment process. They not only treat the affected areas but also ensure that plaque or cavities will not come again. Of course, to achieve this, they adopt a wide range of approaches to keep the kids comfortable. However, if you want to know more about their treatments as well as services offered by dentists, you should read along. Bonding Dental specialists provide bonding treatment to restore broken teeth. They often use enamel-colored composite resin to repair damaged or decayed teeth. Kids, who have chipped, fractured or even discolored teeth usually go for this type of treatment. Dental specialists identify the real problem and […]

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PCOS – Is it possible to get pregnant with PCOS Condition?

PCOS - Is it possible to get pregnant with PCOS Condition

PCOS and Pregnancy Patients with polycystic ovary syndrome is additionally known as PCOS regularly wonder, “Will I have the capacity to get pregnant?” Polycystic ovary disorder, which influences around 15% of ladies in reproductive age, happens when a lady’s ovaries contain numerous little sores. Ladies with PCOS frequently encounter trouble considering as a result of an absence of ovulation and feminine cycle. PCOS may likewise influence hormone levels of our body. In spite of the fact that the infertility rate for PCOS is high, it doesn’t imply that all your expectation is lost. Particularly when the patient about 40 years old, pregnancy with PCOS is especially possible. Notwithstanding, when the patient is more than 40 years  old and her supply of eggs might get slow. Are Hormones Affecting Pregnancy With PCOS? Ladies, who are suffering from PCOS create a higher measure of androgen hormones. In men, androgen hormones help in the improvement of sex organs and auxiliary sex attributes such as facial hair and a profound voice. Despite the fact that androgens are for the most part thought of as “male hormones” since men have fundamentally higher amounts than ladies, the female body likewise delivers a few androgens. A decent […]

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Ovulation – Definition, Timing Ovulation To Increase Fertility

All About Ovulation

How would you react if you came to know that a substance from the body could act as a marker for your fertility? You will be pleased to know that there is a hormone called LH which serves this purpose. It is all the more necessary to know about it if you suspect infertility in your body. What is LH? LH is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. Throughout the menstrual cycle, it is secreted in very low amounts. But once you reach the mid-point of your menstrual cycle, the point when the egg follicle attains a specific size, the LH secretion starts rising to very high levels. The surge catalyzes the process of ovulation which occurs 2 or 3 days later. After the mature egg is released from the ovary, the empty follicle in the ovary is converted to corpus luteum, which secretes progesterone. This is done in order to prepare for a pregnancy. If the expected pregnancy doesn’t occur, it leads to drying out of corpus luteum. This leads to stoppage of testosterone production and the body starts preparing for the menstrual period. How is LH surge beneficial to us? Knowing your LH level is crucial for couples […]

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