How Can Dance Improve Your Health? Follow These 5-Steps

In ancient times, dance was an essential part of life. Dance was part of every civilization. There were dances of worship and dances to bring life. There were dances to protect warriors and to request a good harvest. No celebration was complete without dance. Long before dance was recognized as a form of exercise and whole body wellness, there was dance. In modern society, dance is an art form. It is a beautiful way to express emotions and feelings. Done correctly, dance can convey a story or message to the audience. This experience of becoming one with the performance is the powerful draw that brings people back. Dance For Physical Fitness There are dances that are specifically designed for physical fitness. Zumba and Jazzercise are perfect examples. These dances are designed to help the dancer lose weight and build muscle mass. These dances have the same results on the body as aerobics. Some dances are not created for weight loss but the physical demands they put on the body results in weight loss. Hip Hop is one example. When you are performing a dance that has a fast pace, you will burn about the same number of calories as you […]
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