Things You Must Know About Endoscopic Spine Surgery

The ever-rising health issues have led to an increase in medical treatments. There have been consistent innovations in medical science that have led to the discovery of advanced medical treatments for various ailments. One such medical procedure that has come to light these days is Endoscopic Spine Surgery. What is Endoscopic Spine Surgery? Endoscopic spine surgery is a modern form of surgery of the spine. This surgery makes use of modern surgical tools and equipment. The traditional spine surgery which was also known as open spine surgery or open back surgery involved drawing a big cut at the back of the patient for helping the surgeon reach to spine for correcting the problem. However, endoscopic surgery involves drawing a small incision at the back and inserting a small surgical instrument. The surgeon is able to locate the spinal problem such as disc herniation or bone spur quite easily with the help of an endoscope and x-ray guidance. To learn more about this type of spine surgery visit Who qualifies for an Endoscopic Spine Surgery? The patients suffering from disc herniations, spinal stenosis, failed back surgery and numerous other spinal conditions are benefitted with Endoscopic Spine Surgery. It […]
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