10 Early Symptoms of Dementia: Be Aware of Subtle Signs

Based on the World Health Organization, there are 47 million people with dementia currently in the world and by 2030 the number will rise to 75 million. Dementia includes brain diseases that affect memory and behavior in a patient, as well as thinking and thus impairs everyday activities. This is a serious condition which affects both patients and their loved ones often presenting as an overwhelming experience. However, not every memory problem points to the onset of dementia. A person must show at least two of one of the following early symptoms in order to suspect dementia. 1. The problem to find the right words The problem to find the right words in everyday communication is the usual early symptom for dementia. The patient will struggle to express themselves with right words and that will also affect the persons who participate in the conversation. The communication may last longer due to this problem so the interlocutor must have patience and understanding. 2. Slight changes in the short-term memory Problems with memory may not mean that the person will get dementia, but it is one of the early symptoms nonetheless. This involves changes in the short-term memory so the person may have problems to remember […]
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